Friday, June 22, 2012

On My Mind: Sooyoung Discusses Fashion, Beauty, Music, Food, and More in ‘InStyle’ Magazine

On My Mind: Sooyoung Discusses Fashion, Beauty, Music, Food, and More in 'InStyle' Magazine


Sooyoung was recently featured in the June issue of “InStyle” Magazine
in a segment called “On My Mind”. She gave her thoughts on fashion, beauty, music, food, and much more.

The idol of the world, Girls’ Generation’s Sooyoung. The music and foods she’s been into lately. And she’s revealing her beauty secrets.

“I think the most important thing in fashion is underwear. No matter how cool or expensive your clothes are, you have to wear proper underwear for that item to shine.”

My Bestseller… (Translator’s note: this is referring to the best book Sooyoung has read.)

“It’s my favorite of all the youth novels I have read (Translator’s note: Sooyoung is referring to the book “From Somewhere Afar the Phone Keeps Ringing for Me”, by Shin Kyungsook). People who are starting their 20′s should read it. It’s a work that really expresses what growing up is like.”

My best red carpet look in my lifetime…

“My white and black look during last year’s ‘Style Icon Awards’. While it can be seen as a common look, it has a refined touch, and it lingers in my memories more then the fancy dresses I wore at other awards ceremonies.”

The song I’m listening to on my iPod…

“I’m repeating American singer Demi Lovato’s songs the most. Even though she’s young and she’s an idol, her music is very mature and there’s lots to learn from her.”

A place I want to go for holiday one day…

“Instead of a modern and city feeling, I like places that have an antique and vintage feel, especially Switzerland, which makes a beautiful harmony with its nature and buildings.”

What I want to obtain the most…

“I fell in love with cooking, especially making cupcakes. So I want a mixer that can blend the butter (laugh).”

A beauty item always used before sleeping…

“Elasticity and moisture are the things to pay most attention to when it comes to skin care. So that is why I usually use face mask packs before I go to bed. Ah! Recently, I started looking after my hands and moisturize them as much as my face.”

The food that I want to eat the most right now…

“Cheongdam-dong ‘Siori”s (Translator’s note: an oyster house) oysters. Usually I couldn’t eat a lot of oysters, but I fell in love with them after eating that place’s fresh oysters. After squeezing lemons on the oysters and dipping it into the refreshing sauce, it’s really the best!”

Sources: bestiz, Withsosi
Translated by: jyhwang@soshified, minigiglo@soshified, ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: bhost909@soshifiedm, MoonSoshi9@soshified

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