Friday, June 1, 2012

Learn Korean with Soshi: May 2012 Edition

Learn Korean with Soshi: May 2012 Edition

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Hello, and welcome to the latest edition of Learn Korean with Soshi. The twinkling month of May has just passed, and it is now time to present five new phrases. You can type these out on your computer by pressing the keys located below each phrase, and make sure you know how to do so by reading this post. If you feel that five phrases aren’t enough, you can backtrack the previous editions here. Happy learning!

끝났습니다 (Geutnasseupnida) = (It) ended
How to type: RmxskTtmqslek

After Girls’ Generation had finished recording their group choreography scene for their music video “Gee”, Yuri and Yoona express their happiness by saying that they were done. 끝나- means to end/to finish/to be over (끝 itself means the end), -았 is a past tense particle, and -습니다 is a formal way to end a sentence.

An example situation where the phrase 끝났습니다 would be used:
Inside a photo studio, nine girls were striking different poses in order to endorse a brand new clothing line. The photographer moved his camera around actively, capturing all the natural poses that were shown by the girls. After a few more flashes, the photographer put his camera down and exclaimed, “And that’s it. 끝났습니다! Thank you for your hard work.”

얘기를 했어요 (Yaegireul haesseoyo) = (I) told (them) (lit. (I) told the story)
How to type: dOrlfmf goTdjdy

A discussion on celebrity friends during Girls’ Generation’s appearance on “Mister Radio” led them to an interesting story. In 2008, Sooyoung has received a game console from Ahn Jaewook as a gift, and the other members did not have a clue about it. Sooyoung wanted to clarify herself by saying that she did inform them, but she left the game console at her house. 얘기를 means the story (얘기 (shortened form of 이야기) “story” + object particle -를. 얘기 is more commonly used for stories told verbally, as opposed to 이야기 which is used more for stories in general) + 했어요 did (하- “to do” + past tense marker -었 + polite sentence ending -어요).

An example situation where the phrase 얘기를 했어요 would be used:
“Good morning, girls,” Yuri’s mother greeted as two girls entered the living room. “You two seem like you’re having a fun sleepover. I’m pretty sure the both of you were still awake when I went to sleep last night.”
“We stayed up all night, Mom,” Yuri answered with a yawn.
“What did you do all night?”
“The usual, 얘기를 했어요,” Yoona answered. This time, it was her turn to stifle a yawn.
“I cooked breakfast for you. Well, it’s lunchtime now, but you can find my fried noodles on the dining table.”

어렵겠다 (Eoryeopgetda) = (This) seems difficult
How to type: djfuqrpTek

When venturing on a mission for MBC’s “Cheer Up”, the girls were disappointed to know that their first try didn’t result in anything. They wanted to give this mission another shot, so Sunny and Seohyun went for another attempt. Hyoyeon commented by saying that this might be difficult. 어렵- means to be difficult, and -겠다 is a blunt ending for stating your guesses.

An example situation where the phrase 어렵겠다 would be used:
Sunny clutched her test paper nervously, afraid to flip the page over to meet her arch nemesis. Geography has never been her forte.
“You may begin your test,” the teacher signaled.
Sunny flipped through the pages hurriedly, hoping to find a map she knew like the back of her hand. Apparently, luck wasn’t on her side today and she let out a short sigh. “Ah, 어렵겠다.”

제가 길을 잘 몰라서요 (Jega gireul jal mollaseoyo) = I don’t know my way around very well (lit. I don’t know the roads very well)
How to type: wprk rlfdmf wkf ahffktjdy

In the MBC drama “Taehee Hyekyo Jihyun”, Jessica acted as an expatriate tutor who was not familiar with the roads in Korea. Confused, she approached a group of friends to ask for directions. 제가 means I/me (저 “I/me (formal)” + subject particle -가), means the road (길 “road” + object particle -을), 잘 means well/ thoroughly, and 몰라서요 means because (I) don’t know (몰라- “do not know” + -아서 “because” + polite sentence ending -요).

An example situation where the phrase 제가 길을 잘 몰라서요 would be used:
The first time Taeyeon came to Seoul without her parents, she was amazed at how big the city was. Her parents had accompanied her from Jeonju to the big city countless times before, but she still had trouble in making her way from the subway to SM Entertainment. During those times, she would approach any kind-looking adults nearby and ask for directions: “Sorry to disturb you, but 제가 길을 잘 몰라서요. Do you know where SM Entertainment is?”

제가 보면서도 긴장돼요 (Jega bomyeonseodo ginjangdwaeyo) = (I) feel nervous just by looking at (it)
How to type: wprk qhaustjeh rlswkdehody

The first episode of MBC’s “Horror Movie Factory” had a goal: to scare Taeyeon. As three girls proceeded to carry out the plan, the other four stayed behind to monitor the situation. Tiffany commented that she felt nervous even though she was only watching the scene from afar. 제가 means I/me (저 “I/me (formal)” + subject particle -가), 보면서도 means just by watching (보- “to see/to watch” + present continuous particle -면서 + -도 “even though”), and 긴장돼요 means to become nervous (긴장 “to feel nervous” + -되 “to become” + polite sentence ending -어요).

An example situation where the phrase 제가 보면서도 긴장돼요 would be used:
Yoona emerged from the dressing room and put on her coat. It had been a long day of filming, and she couldn’t wait to go home.
“Yoona, come here and watch the final cut of your scene,” one of the directors called out to her.
She turned around to see that a group of staff were already gathered around a laptop. As she approached them, she heard one of the make-up artists say, “제가 보면서도 긴장돼요,”. Yoona had a glimpse of the screen and saw that they were watching the drama’s climax scene. She then folded her arms and paid close attention to the screen. There’s always room for improvement, and she needed to know her flaws before perfecting her skills.

Written by: spiceshoe@soshified
Contributors: jyhwang@soshified, minigiglo@soshified, SeraphKY@soshified
Banner by: Chef@soshified

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