Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Cucumber – Thirteenth Edition

The Cucumber – Thirteenth Edition



Disclaimer: The story you are reading is NOT true. Do NOT take it seriously. This article is purely for laughs, nothing more.


Survey of Girls’ Generation Fans Shows Surprising Results


A survey was recently conducted by Seoul University’s Sociology Department which measured the distinct behaviorial patterns of SONEs as compared to average Korean citizens. The results, which were published after weeks of research, came as somewhat of a surprise due to the striking differences between SONEs and average citizens.

The survey question that drew the most attention was, “What is your ideal profession?” The most popular answers from average citizens were “doctor”, which received 43% of the votes, followed by “actor” (26%), and “engineer” (14%). When Girls’ Generation fans were surveyed, however, the answers were wildly different. The number one response was “teddy bear”, with 53% of the votes, the number two answer was “pillow” (34%), and rounding out the top three was “dukong” (13%).


Ideal SONE Job #1: Teddy Bear

Ideal SONE Job #2: Pillow

Sociologists from Seoul University struggled to come up with reasonable explanations for the unusual answers given by SONEs. The project leader was quoted as saying, “The answers that were given by Girls’ Generation fans were genuinely confusing. ‘Teddy bear’ is not an actual profession for human beings, and yet that was the number one answer from SONEs.” Researchers told SONEs that teddy bears can’t make money, eat food, or do anything at all. Surprisingly, most SONEs weren’t bothered by this and responded by saying, “Well that’s ok, as long as I’m a teddy bear being used in an Ace Bed CF.”

The final report from the survey noted that there were several other interesting answers that did not receive enough votes to land in the top three. They proved to be just as unusual as the rest, as several SONEs answered that they aspire to be frying pans and even bottles of Vita500.


SONEs want to be a… frying pan?


Disclaimer: The story you are reading is NOT true. Do NOT take it seriously. This article is purely for laughs, nothing more.


Missed out on previous Cucumber articles? You can check them out here!

Images: As credited
Written by: michaelroni@soshified

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