Saturday, September 1, 2012

Learn Korean with Soshi: August 2012 Edition

Learn Korean with Soshi: August 2012 Edition

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Hello, and welcome to the latest edition of Learn Korean with Soshi. The legendary month of August has just ended, and it is now time to present five new phrases. You can type these out on your computer by pressing the keys located below each phrase, and make sure you know how to do so by reading this post. If you feel that five phrases aren't enough, you can backtrack the previous editions here. Happy learning!

그거 모르겠어 (Geugeo moreugesseo) = (I) don’t know that
How to type: rmrj ahfmrpTdj

In a prank call to the radio Sunny and Sungmin used to host, “Chunji Radio”, Yuri pretended that she didn’t know what her fellow member was talking about. She then expressed this by saying, “I don’t know that”. 그 means that, 거 (a shortened form of 것 (geot)) means thing, 모르다 means to not know, and the sentence ending -겠어 corresponds to I guess/I think.

An example situation where the phrase 그거 모르겠어 would be used:
Being a group that appears in a lot of shows can be a bit confusing, as they all have their own games with their own rules. Some games seem similar to others and that tends to confuse the girls, even though they’d still like to give their best performance. Today was just one of those days.
“Hey, are we allowed to go here?”
“We’re supposed to find that treasure, and I think this area is still included in the location range.”
“What did the instructions say again?”
“I’m not sure. Who held the paper last?”
“그거 모르겠어…”
“Ah, well, let’s try our luck.”

나 뭐 잘못한 거 없는데 (Na mwo jalmothan geo eopneunde) = I haven’t done anything wrong (lit. I have no mistakes)
How to type: sk anj wkfahtgks rj djqtsmsep

During a one-on-one talk on “HahaMong Show”, Sooyoung was called out because of an unsettled incident between her and the other members. However, she didn’t think that she had done anything wrong, so she said “I haven’t done anything wrong”. 나 means I/me, 뭐 means what, 잘못한 거 means a mistake (잘못하다 “to commit a mistake” + adjective particle -한 + 거 “thing”), and 없는데 means to not exist (없다 “to not exist” + the sentence ending used to provide implicit background information -는데).

An example situation where the phrase 나 뭐 잘못한 거 없는데 would be used:
Hyoyeon was sitting in class and tapping her foot to an imaginary rhythm when an announcement boomed through their school speakers, saying that she was called out to the principal’s office. Some of her classmates gave her questioning looks, but she just brushed them off and said, “나 뭐 잘못한 거 없는데.”

나는 젊어 (Naneun jeolmeo) = I’m young
How to type: sksms wjfadj

Two years ago, our August baby Tiffany didn’t give much of a thought to her health. When maknae Seohyun tried to advise her, Tiffany just shrugged it off saying “No way, I’m young.” The phrase “나 젊어” is a bit informal since it’s missing the topic particle -는. The grammatically correct phrase would be “나는 젊어”. 나는 means I/me (나 “I/me” + topic particle -는), and 젊어 means to be young (the dictionary form 젊다 + intimate sentence ending -어).

An example situation where the phrase 나는 젊어 would be used:
“Yuri!” Jessica called out, panting. Jogging was never her forte.
“Yes?” Yuri stopped in her steps and turned around to wait for Jessica. She could almost guess what sentence was going to come out next.
“How come you’re so fast?” Bingo.
“나는 젊어,” Yuri said jokingly. “Now come on, Princess. Let’s get going!”

너무 아까워 (Neomu akkawo) = (It’s) such a waste
How to type: sjan dkRkdnj

To celebrate their manager’s birthday, the girls have come up with the idea of caking him but hesitate, as there are strawberries on top of the cake. They argue: “It’s such a waste!”. 너무 means too/very (excessive), 아까워 means to be of value/to be too precious (to waste) (the dictionary form “아깝다” + the intimate sentence ending -어).

An example situation where the phrase 너무 아까워 would be used:
Sooyoung remembered when she was forced to drop her drama shooting due to her busy schedules as well as the uncertainty of the drama itself a few months back. Before the confirmation of “The 3rd Hospital”, all she could think of was “Aish, 너무 아까워,” as she was really hoping to play her role in the drama. Right now the tables have turned though, and she can’t wait for the world to see the actress in her.

놀이방에 문제의 아이들 같아 (Noribange munje-ui aideul gata) = Like troublemakers in a nursery
How to type: shfdlqkddp answpdml dkdlemf rkxdk

During the break of a “Let’s Go Dream Team” filming, Yuri and Sooyoung found themselves playing around with a water tube. They then dubbed themselves as “troublemakers in a nursery”. 놀이방에 means at the childcare center (놀이방 “childcare center” + location particle -에), 문제의 아이들 means troublemakers (문제 “problem/trouble” + possessive particle -의 + 아이들 “children”), and 같아 means like (comparison term).

An example situation where the phrase 놀이방에 문제의 아이들 같아 would be used:
“Wow, Taeyeon, look at all the lollipops at the set!”
One word to describe the music video set for “Kissing You”? Delicious.
“Do you think I’m allowed to eat these after the recording ends?”
“Oh, stop licking it! Look, all the girls are following you now!”
“Are they delicious?”
“All the girls are following your lead. 놀이방에 문제의 아이들 같아.”

Written by: spiceshoe@soshified
Edited by: bhost909@soshified
Contributor: jyhwang@soshified
Banner by: Chef@soshified

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