Wednesday, July 27, 2011

[2011.07.27] Taeyeon Takes Selca Picture With a Cute Expression

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On July 27th, a picture of Girls' Generation's Taeyeon titled "Cute Taeyeon" was uploaded on the bulletin board of a portal site. The leader of the nine-member girl group took a self-camera picture of herself hugging a green cushion and posing with a cute expression.

After the sexy appearance that she showed throughout their "2011 GIRLS' GENERATION TOUR" concert, Taeyeon went back to the "Kid Leader" image that she is famously known for among fans. Taeyeon uploaded the picture and used it as her new UFO image as she replied the fans' messages, thanking them for the endless support they have given to Girls' Generation. When asked if she was hugging a caterpillar, she responded, "It's my pea... Don't call it a caterpillar."

Netizens left comments like, "Too cute Taeyeon is the best" and "Our minion is so cute".

Girls' Generation ended their second solo concert which was held on July 23rd and 24th with great success, leaving fans yearning for more.

Source: joinsmsn
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