Wednesday, July 27, 2011

[2011.07.27] 2PM's Taecyeon Mentions Jessica on 'Strong Heart'

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On the July 26th episode of SBS's Strong Heart, Jessica's name was mentioned when 2PM's Taecyeon appeared as a guest and talked about 2PM's promotional activities for their latest song "Hands Up".

Known as the show that often veers away from the original topic, Taecyeon initially talked about the 2PM members wanting to ask f(x)'s Krystal to feature in their song. After he mentioned that he asked for Krystal's number through her older sister, Girls' Generation's Jessica, host Kang Hodong asked about their relationship and if Taecyeon was close to Jessica.

After also being asked about why he had to go through Jessica and not f(x)'s Victoria who is Nickhun's partner in MBC "We Got Married", Kang Hodong proceeded to end the topic awkwardly by saying "We'll stop here to protect their privacy", bringing laughter to both the guests and the audience.

2PM and Girls' Generation were involved in plenty of collaborations like the 2010 end-of-year special stages as well as endorsements like Elite. It would thus be of no surprise if the members of both groups were friends.

Source: Nate
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