Wednesday, July 20, 2011

[2011.07.20] Girls’ Generation – Japanese Celebrity Look-A-Likes ‘Who Looks More Like Who’

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Recently, there have been comments and controversy over talk about the members of Girls' Generation that have look-a-like Japanese celebrities.

On the 19th, an online community bulletin board published an article together with some photos which talked about the likeness between Girls' Generation members and Japanese celebrities.

Girls' Generation's Jessica was compared to Japanese actress and model, Ai Kato. Tiffany, on the other hand, was compared to a weather caster and actress, Kaito Aiko. Sooyoung was compared to actress Aibu Saki, and Yoona to actress Toda Erika. The publisher of the thread also commented that members Taeyeon, Jessica and Yoona seem to have an uncanny resemblance to each other.

While some of the comments left by netizens showed their agreements, there were some who felt that there was no resemblance between the mentioned people at all.

Do you think they bear any resemblance to Girls' Generation?

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