Thursday, July 14, 2011

[2011.07.14] Lipton X Girls’ Generation Dance Contest

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Following the collaboration between Lipton and Girls' Generation, a new page labelled "Lipton X Girls' Generation Dance Contest" has been uploaded onto Lipton's homepage. Lipton will be opening a dance competition featuring Girls' Generation's "MR. TAXI" as the main theme, as they are currently helping to promote Lipton's spring products. Also, in view of the competition, Lipton has recently set up a special section on their website where the "MR. TAXI" dance contest version of the video and sample movies can be viewed publically.

Starting on the 20th of July, the company will be accepting videos of participants. To participate, just memorise the steps from Girls' Generation's "MR. TAXI" promotional dance video and submit the recorded video as a team. The dance videos need not necessarily contain the dance steps from "MR. TAXI", but the song used in the video needs to be "MR. TAXI". There has to be at least 3 members in each team and the entry video can be no longer than 30 seconds. Also, bear in mind that all submitted videos are not to be edited beforehand. The Grand Prize will be hand-signed T-shirts from Girls' Generation, and the winner will be announced later this year.

Although the competition was announced, the company has not yet further elaborated on how or where to submit the videos. So stay tuned for further details!

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