Saturday, July 16, 2011

[2011.07.17] Photos of Girls’ Generation’s Tiffany Garners Attention

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Following the release of the photos from the First Japan Arena Tour Concert Pamphlet, Tiffany from Girls' Generation has been garnering a lot of attention. Fans have been surprised by the dramatic change in Tiffany's photos, and were mostly caught off guard by her noticeably slimmer cheeks.

In this photo pamphlet, Girls' Generation is seen to be portraying a different image as compared to their past images. In the photos which were shown in a photo bulletin board on an online community, Girls' Generation's previously cute and adorable image was gone, and a mature and sophisticated look replaced it.

Tiffany, in particular, had received the most attention. Fans have noticed that her usual trademark "eye smile" had been replaced with wide eyes and a defined, oval face. The new change in her photos has presented her in a more mature light, and while she donned colorful accessories and clothes, she expressed a stylish, sophisticated and feminine look.

Do you think the new look suits her?

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