Hello, and welcome to the April 2012 edition of Learn Korean with Soshi. It has been exactly a year since the column’s first release (which you can backtrack here), and it is now time to present five new phrases. You can type these out on your computer by pressing the keys located below each phrase, and make sure you know how to type them out by reading this post. Happy learning! 난 원래 따뜻해 (Nan wonrae ddaddeuthae) = I’m naturally warm How to type: skn dnjsfo EkEmtgo In the first episode of Mnet’s “Boom the K-Pop”, questions about Girls’ Generation were asked to people wandering around the streets of Japan. The answer to the questions were then revealed by the girls themselves. In response to the question regarding her “Ice Princess” nickname, Jessica stated that she was actually a warm girl if you get to know her. Upon hearing that, Taeyeon claimed that she was always warm. 난 means I am (나 “I/me” + topic marker -는), 원래 means originally/naturally, and 따뜻해 means to be warm (따뜻하- “to be warm” + intimate sentence ending -아/어). An example situation where the phrase 난 원래 따뜻해 would be used: During their trainee days, Jessica didn’t exactly feel comfortable meeting a lot of people. This eventually led to her to be known as the group’s ice princess. Tiffany used to play around with this title when she introduced herself to fellow trainees: “Hello, I’m Tiffany! Unlike Jessica, 난 원래 따뜻해.” Jessica didn’t know her name was used for Tiffany’s introduction, but that was what brought them closer later on. 문자가 온거에요 (Munja on-geo-eyo) = (I) received a text message How to type: answkrk dhsrjdpdy Teaching your parents how to talk casually in text messages could be a bit troubling, and Yuri had first-hand experience it. She revealed her story on KBS2TV’s “Champagne”, and her predicament brought a lot of laughter from the other guests. 문자가 means message/text-message (문자 “message/text-message” + subject particle -가), 온거에요 means had come (오- “come” + -ㄴ거에요 “had”). The literal translation to this phrase would be “A message has come”. An example situation where the phrase 문자가 온거에요 would be used: “Sunny, what time are you leaving for your Invincible Youth recording?”, said one of her managers leaned over his car seat so he could face the girl. “I need to make sure of the timing so that I can use this car to get the others to their respective recordings on time.” Sunny bit her lip, “I’m not really sure. Hyoyeon is the one you should ask. She pays attention to these things. Hang on let me call-”, her sentence was stopped midway as a shrill ringtone was heard. “Oh, is that a phone call?” the manager asked. “No, 문자가 온거에요.” Sunny flipped her phone open. “It’s from Hyoyeon. We leave at three.” 저도 사람인데 (Jeodo saraminde) = I’m human, too How to type: wjeh tkfkadlsep Tiffany has always been known as the bright girl with the constant smile, but in Mnet’s “Star Watch 24″, she stated that she was also human and she gets tired like other people. 저 means I/me (formal), -도 means too/also, 사람 means human/person, and sentence ending -인데 is used to mark that the sentence contradicts a previous statement. An example situation where the phrase 저도 사람인데 would be used: Hyoyeon hated her fever. Her hatred towards it was as much as Jessica’s hatred towards cucumbers, or maybe even more. Either way, it wasn’t doing her any good because she started to mess up during dance practice that morning. “Wow, Hyoyeon, what happened? You never make these kinds of mistakes,” her instructor pointed out. She answered swiftly with a “저도 사람인데” and started to repeat the routine herself. Her fever might be able to mess up her brain, but never her persistence. 지금 나 비웃는 거야? (Jigeum na biutneun geoya?) = Are (you) making fun of me? How to type: wlrma sk qldntsms rjdi? In Mnet’s “Factory Girl”, Jessica was having a casual conversation with Jang Geunseuk in order to convince him to come to an Elle Girl magazine event. She mentioned that they were going to do some of the guests’ make-up, but Jang Geunseuk joked that he wouldn’t come if that was to happen. Jessica asked him if he was making fun of her and he let out a laugh in response. 지금 means now, 나 means I/me, 비웃- means to make fun of, and -는 거야 means are you?. An example situation where the phrase 지금 나 비웃는 거야? would be used: It was time for the girls’ 5-minute-talk but Yoona was nowhere to be found. After asking the other girls to wait, Taeyeon knocked on Yoona’s door to call the girl out. Yoona opened the door almost immediately, but being the mischievous girl she is, she pretended to be looking over the leader while she raised her chin. Knowing that she was being teased because of her height, Taeyeon asked, “지금 나 비웃는 거야?” and Yoona just laughed. “Come on,” Yoona back-hugged Taeyeon and dragged her towards the living room, “the other girls are waiting. Besides, you know I love you, right, Unnie?” 혼자 했어? 언제 했어? (Honja haesseo? Eonje haesseo?) = Did (you) do (it) alone? When did (you) do (it)? How to type: ghswk goTdj? djswp goTdj? When Sooyoung found out that Yoona had a call from actor Song Seunghun, she immediately bombarded the younger girl with questions regarding when and how. 혼자 means alone, 했어 means did (하- “to do” + intimate past-tense marker -었어), and 언제 means when. An example situation where the phrase 혼자 했어? 언제 했어? would be used: Choi Soojin had her eyes on her sister the moment the younger girl walked into the dining room with a huge grin on her face. Of course, Sooyoung having a grin plastered on her face when she was near some food was never really surprising, but this grin was too wide, and Soojin silently wondered if she would witness her sister’s cheeks break. “Alright, spill it,” she told Sooyoung, and the younger girl explained that she had just sent in an audition video to SM Entertainment and had a really good feeling about it. “혼자 했어? 언제 했어?” Soojin asked in disbelief. Sooyoung could only shrug—her instincts were unexplainable but they sure were right. Written by: spiceshoe@soshified Contributors: jyhwang@soshified, minigiglo@soshified Edited by: SeraphKY@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified Banner by: Chef@soshified Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at tip@soshified.com. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/soshified for the latest on Girls' Generation. |