Monday, April 30, 2012

Girls’ Generation – TTS Releases ‘Twinkle’ Music Video

Girls' Generation – TTS Releases 'Twinkle' Music Video


Girls’ Generation – TTS has just released the music video for “Twinkle”, the title track from the first mini-album by a Girls’ Generation subunit. The music video, which opens with “OMG (Oh My God)”, a track from the “Twinkle” mini-album, features Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun traveling from scene to scene while singing “Twinkle” as their outfits and hairstyles continuously change. After “Twinkle” finishes playing, the music video ends with a short clip from “안녕 (Good-bye, Hello)”, yet another track on the “Twinkle” mini-album.

Fans have eagerly awaited the full music video for “Twinkle” after three individual teasers were released for Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun. In total, the three teasers have since been viewed over eleven million times.

Finally, “Twinkle” achieved an all-kill on Korean music sites as soon as it was released, and the “Twinkle” mini-album placed highly on many iTunes charts worldwide.

Check out the “Twinkle” music video below.

Source: SMTOWN@youtube.com1, SMTOWN@youtube.com2, SMTOWN@youtube.com3, SMTOWN@youtube.com4
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Edited by: Best Served Soup@soshified

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Writers’ Review April 2012: ‘All About Girls’ Generation Paradise in Phuket’ DVD Preview and DVD

Writers' Review April 2012: 'All About Girls' Generation Paradise in Phuket' DVD Preview and DVD

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For this edition of the Monthly Writer’s Review, MoonSoshi9 and letaengbutt will be taking a closer look at “All About Girls’ Generation “Paradise In Phuket” DVD Preview” and the “All About Girls’ Generation: Paradise in Phuket DVD”, more commonly referred to as “AAGG”. The preview photobook was released on the 8th of February 2011, while the DVD was released on 30th June 2011.

The DVD contains 6 discs worth of videos. The first disc is the variety show which the girls recorded in Phuket, titled “Real Treasure”. The second contains clips of what the girls did on their own during their free time in Phuket, while the third has the self-talk time by all the girls. The fourth disc contains all the music videos by Girls’ Generation as well as bonus clips of the girls’ individual “Hoot” recordings. Disc five contains various behind the scenes films and disc six is a compilation from SBS of Girls’ Generation’s live performances on “Inkigayo” as well as some variety shows.


All About Girls’ Generation “Paradise In Phuket” DVD Preview 



This was actually the first Girls’ Generation photobook that I purchased and I’m really glad that I bought it. The first thing that struck me was how simple the cover is. I love the pale colours and the really plain cover page because it looks so sweet and calm. Another thing that I really like is how the contents of the book is arranged chronologically. The timeline from when the girls are at the airport, through the days in Phuket, and finally when they end off the trip is a rather interesting way to arrange the photos.

The photos are all amazing. I really like the fact that not only are there professional shots of the girls, but there are photos taken by the girls themselves too. The candid polaroids, as well as the self-taken photos from Tiffany, Yoona and Seohyun’s cameras are so fun to look at because you can see how much fun the girls are having. Lots of the photos in the photobook show off the girls’ beauty and they come out looking really relaxed and fresh. Couple that with high quality, large photos and you’ll get a very happy SONE.

One thing that I particularly liked was the fact that there were lots of captions with the photos which were in Japanese, Korean and English. This made it so much easier to understand what the photos were about. Also, there was a mini interview as well as individual messages at the end of the photobook. The interview has got to be one of my favourite parts because they express their love towards the other members, as well as to fans and it makes me shiver, but in a good way.



The DVD preview photobook is quite interesting. Instead of pages of nothing but pictures like many other photobooks, it basically does what the title of it says. It previews the DVD! It follows the time of the girls in Phuket, from their plane ride to their leisure time, “Echo” music video shoot, beach photo shoot, variety show, and lastly their personal messages. The size of the book itself is also quite big so you can really see each picture nicely.

What really struck me about the book was how much text there was. All of the captions for pictures are in Korean, Japanese, and English, and most of the book has quite a bit of explanation and flavor text which I really enjoyed. The beach photo shoot is where the photobook really becomes a true photobook. The entire section is just page after page of beautiful pictures of the girls. The feel of the pictures is very natural, and all of the members come out looking really fresh and pretty like their debut style.

As gorgeous as the girls look in the pictures, the best parts of the photobook for me were actually each member’s mini-interview and personal messages. All of the members say what they feel to the other members and also to the fans. It’s quite different reading their words as opposed to watching them say it in the actual DVD. After I watched the DVD, I could really tell that the preview photobook did a great job of showing off what’s in the DVD but in a totally different style through photos and words.




All About Girls’ Generation: Paradise In Phuket DVD




The booklet that contains all the DVDs, as well as a mini photobook is very, very pink. The large, fold-out book has a side dedicated to individual portraits of the girls and they all look so incredibly gorgeous there.

I had a really good time going through all six discs. Of course, I started off with the one that I was most excited about, and that was the first disc with “Real Treasure”. The variety show, sort of like a mini “Amazing Race”, was fun to watch because you get to see the competitive streak of some of the members. The girls all have different personalities and it shows very naturally throughout the show. Apart from that, I also found a new motto thanks to Jessica’s laziness (which I highly approve of!), “Never run, even if you’re late!”

The second disc which showed what the girls did during their free time was fun to watch. The girls all went their separate ways though there were some who bumped into each other, such as Hyoyeon and Seohyun. One of my favorite discs is definitely the third disc, which contained all the video messages from the girls. Watching them profess their love for each other and also to their families and SONEs made me love them so much more.

The fourth, fifth and sixth disc actually seemed more like fillers to me than anything else. I enjoyed watching the new “Echo” MV and individual “Hoot” clips, as well as the behind-the-scenes footage, but apart from that, everything else was basically old stuff.

All in all, I think that this is something which fans definitely have to get. It’s a great addition to my collection of Soshi merchandise and I don’t regret getting this, or the photobook, at all.

Packaging: 8/9
Contents: 7/9
Overall: 7/9 


Perhaps it’s fitting that the variety show included in “All About Girls’ Generation” is called “Real Treasure”, because this DVD set is a treasure chest of Girls’ Generation goodies. It’s six discs containing a variety show, music videos, performances from SBS’s “Inkigayo”, behind-the-scenes footage, and personal messages from the members. The DVDs come in a large sturdy fold-out that includes a photobook insert. I think Tiffany may have had a hand in designing the packaging because everything is very pink.

The variety show, “Real Treasure”, is really fun. The girls are tasked with finding things at their resort and are split up into teams. Hilarity ensues as the girls compete with each other, and we see a lot of their personality, like Jessica’s love of air conditioning and dislike of running. Girls’ Generation members are always entertaining, but put all nine of them together on a variety show and it is just non-stop fun.

The next discs are focused on the individual members. Each girl gets free time at the resort and we get to tag along with them as they roam around and have fun, eventually meeting up with all the members for the photo shoot on the beach. There’s really no point to all of it other than just relaxing with the girls, which is pretty cool. But then, I think we get one of the best gifts as fans with their self talk videos on the third disc. Each member sits down and just talks to the camera. They all leave a message for the rest of Girls’ Generation, but they also leave a message for fans. You can see their love of both each other and for SONEs. All nine videos are very endearing, and after I watched all of them I felt much more attached to these nine girls. The self talk videos are the highlight of “All About Girls’ Generation” for me.

Along with all the music videos from “Into The New World” to “Hoot” and even “Beautiful Girls”, which was used in the 1st Asia Tour, we get a new music video with “Echo” that the girls recorded while in Phuket. It’s really cute and fits the style of the song well. There are also individual clips from the “Hoot” music video that really made me understand how hard the members work when filming. They are filmed with one shot in the elevator, so you really get to see the effort they put into it. Since it’s one shot, you also get to see some interesting footage. One of the moments that made me laugh was a bug flying around during Sunny’s clip that scared Jessica and she started swatting at it, making Tiffany laugh. All the while Sunny is just dancing in front of the camera looking all serious. The solo clips are a fun bonus.

A lot of behind-the-scenes footage is also included from music video filming and various events, but perhaps the best clip is the footage from Girls’ Generation debut on “Inkigayo”. They are very candid before and after their debut performance, and it is really heart-warming to see backstage footage from their beginnings. The girls are so hopeful for their start and for what is to come. Looking back now after all their success, it is really a special piece of Girls’ Generation history. Lastly, performances from “Inkigayo” and other SBS appearances are included on the final disc.

“All About Girls’ Generation” is a fantastic addition to any SONE’s collection. The only drawback is that it is a set of DVDs and not blu-ray, so the video quality is not the best, but SM seems to have no plans to release a blu-ray version. Lately it seems incredibly hard to find, but if you can find one, I definitely recommend getting “All About Girls’ Generation”

Packaging: 6/9
Contents: 9/9
Overall: 8/9 



Written by: letaengbutt@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? E-mail us at
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Learn Korean with Soshi: April 2012 Edition

Learn Korean with Soshi: April 2012 Edition

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Hello, and welcome to the April 2012 edition of Learn Korean with Soshi. It has been exactly a year since the column’s first release (which you can backtrack here), and it is now time to present five new phrases. You can type these out on your computer by pressing the keys located below each phrase, and make sure you know how to type them out by reading this post. Happy learning!

난 원래 따뜻해 (Nan wonrae ddaddeuthae) = I’m naturally warm
How to type: skn dnjsfo EkEmtgo

In the first episode of Mnet’s “Boom the K-Pop”, questions about Girls’ Generation were asked to people wandering around the streets of Japan. The answer to the questions were then revealed by the girls themselves. In response to the question regarding her “Ice Princess” nickname, Jessica stated that she was actually a warm girl if you get to know her. Upon hearing that, Taeyeon claimed that she was always warm. 난 means I am (나 “I/me” + topic marker -는), 원래 means originally/naturally, and 따뜻해 means to be warm (따뜻하- “to be warm” + intimate sentence ending -아/어).

An example situation where the phrase 난 원래 따뜻해 would be used:
During their trainee days, Jessica didn’t exactly feel comfortable meeting a lot of people. This eventually led to her to be known as the group’s ice princess. Tiffany used to play around with this title when she introduced herself to fellow trainees: “Hello, I’m Tiffany! Unlike Jessica, 난 원래 따뜻해.” Jessica didn’t know her name was used for Tiffany’s introduction, but that was what brought them closer later on.

문자가 온거에요 (Munja on-geo-eyo) = (I) received a text message
How to type: answkrk dhsrjdpdy

Teaching your parents how to talk casually in text messages could be a bit troubling, and Yuri had first-hand experience it. She revealed her story on KBS2TV’s “Champagne”, and her predicament brought a lot of laughter from the other guests. 문자가 means message/text-message (문자 “message/text-message” + subject particle -가), 온거에요 means had come (오- “come” + -ㄴ거에요 “had”). The literal translation to this phrase would be “A message has come”.

An example situation where the phrase 문자가 온거에요 would be used:
“Sunny, what time are you leaving for your Invincible Youth recording?”, said one of her managers leaned over his car seat so he could face the girl. “I need to make sure of the timing so that I can use this car to get the others to their respective recordings on time.”
Sunny bit her lip, “I’m not really sure. Hyoyeon is the one you should ask. She pays attention to these things. Hang on let me call-”, her sentence was stopped midway as a shrill ringtone was heard.
“Oh, is that a phone call?” the manager asked.
“No, 문자가 온거에요.” Sunny flipped her phone open. “It’s from Hyoyeon. We leave at three.”

저도 사람인데 (Jeodo saraminde) = I’m human, too
How to type: wjeh tkfkadlsep

Tiffany has always been known as the bright girl with the constant smile, but in Mnet’s “Star Watch 24″, she stated that she was also human and she gets tired like other people. 저 means I/me (formal), -도 means too/also, 사람 means human/person, and sentence ending -인데 is used to mark that the sentence contradicts a previous statement.

An example situation where the phrase 저도 사람인데 would be used:
Hyoyeon hated her fever. Her hatred towards it was as much as Jessica’s hatred towards cucumbers, or maybe even more. Either way, it wasn’t doing her any good because she started to mess up during dance practice that morning. “Wow, Hyoyeon, what happened? You never make these kinds of mistakes,” her instructor pointed out. She answered swiftly with a “저도 사람인데” and started to repeat the routine herself. Her fever might be able to mess up her brain, but never her persistence.

지금 나 비웃는 거야? (Jigeum na biutneun geoya?) = Are (you) making fun of me?
How to type: wlrma sk qldntsms rjdi?

In Mnet’s “Factory Girl”, Jessica was having a casual conversation with Jang Geunseuk in order to convince him to come to an Elle Girl magazine event. She mentioned that they were going to do some of the guests’ make-up, but Jang Geunseuk joked that he wouldn’t come if that was to happen. Jessica asked him if he was making fun of her and he let out a laugh in response. 지금 means now, 나 means I/me, 비웃- means to make fun of, and -는 거야 means are you?.

An example situation where the phrase 지금 나 비웃는 거야? would be used:
It was time for the girls’ 5-minute-talk but Yoona was nowhere to be found. After asking the other girls to wait, Taeyeon knocked on Yoona’s door to call the girl out. Yoona opened the door almost immediately, but being the mischievous girl she is, she pretended to be looking over the leader while she raised her chin. Knowing that she was being teased because of her height, Taeyeon asked, “지금 나 비웃는 거야?” and Yoona just laughed. “Come on,” Yoona back-hugged Taeyeon and dragged her towards the living room, “the other girls are waiting. Besides, you know I love you, right, Unnie?”

혼자 했어? 언제 했어? (Honja haesseo? Eonje haesseo?) = Did (you) do (it) alone? When did (you) do (it)?
How to type: ghswk goTdj? djswp goTdj?

When Sooyoung found out that Yoona had a call from actor Song Seunghun, she immediately bombarded the younger girl with questions regarding when and how. 혼자 means alone, 했어 means did (하- “to do” + intimate past-tense marker -었어), and 언제 means when.

An example situation where the phrase 혼자 했어? 언제 했어? would be used:
Choi Soojin had her eyes on her sister the moment the younger girl walked into the dining room with a huge grin on her face. Of course, Sooyoung having a grin plastered on her face when she was near some food was never really surprising, but this grin was too wide, and Soojin silently wondered if she would witness her sister’s cheeks break. “Alright, spill it,” she told Sooyoung, and the younger girl explained that she had just sent in an audition video to SM Entertainment and had a really good feeling about it. “혼자 했어? 언제 했어?” Soojin asked in disbelief. Sooyoung could only shrug—her instincts were unexplainable but they sure were right.

Written by: spiceshoe@soshified
Contributors: jyhwang@soshified, minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: SeraphKY@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified
Banner by: Chef@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
Follow us on Twitter: for the latest on Girls' Generation.

The Weekly Soshi News Wrap

The Weekly Soshi News Wrap


Posted Image


“The Boys” Featured on “Australia’s Got Talent”

A contestant spun his way into the next round of “Australia's Got Talent” with a display of yoyo tricks, choreographed to a remixed version of the Girls' Generation hit, "The Boys". Though a judge voted against him, another dubbed his performance as “creative”, and he remained in the competition.

SM Entertainment Artists Interviewed for “Dear My Family” Recording

SM Entertainment has released a video featuring the artists who recorded the “I AM” OST song, “Dear My Family”. The artists introduced the song as one from the SMTown album that everyone in the SMTown family sings.

Behind-the-Scenes Footage of Kiss Scene in Love Rain Released

The producers of “Love Rain” have released behind-the-scenes footage of Yoona’s recent kiss scene with Jang Geunsuk. Though the scene was beautifully filmed in front of a fountain with lights, fans are hoping that the scene took only a few tries to successfully film.

Sooyoung Attends “Tommy Ton for Club Monaco” Launch Party

Club Monaco uploaded a video onto their YouTube channel on April 24th featuring their launch party for the “Tommy Ton for Club Monaco” backpack in South Korea. Sooyoung was one of the many guests that had attended the launch party and showed a couple of cute gestures for the camera during her time there.


Chinese Version of Mamonde CF Featuring Yuri Released

An advertisement featuring Girls' Generation's Yuri for Mamonde BB (Blemish Balm) targeting the Chinese market has been released. The advertisement features a narrator extolling the virtues of the product with close-up shots of Yuri and ends with Yuri saying in Chinese "The cosmetic product that lets your skin breathe."

Ace Bed Opens Website for “Have a Good Jam” Campaign

Ace Bed has opened a new website for Girls’ Generation’s “Have a good jam” campaign. (Editor’s note: “jam” means “sleep” in Korean). The website features images of Girls’ Generation with speech bubbles containing phrases advertising “Ace Bed”‘s line of mattresses.


Yuri Featured in May Edition of “WOMAN CHOSUN”

An interview with Yuri has been featured in the May issue of “WOMAN CHOSUN”. The feature also includes several photos of Yuri filming on the set of “Fashion King”. You can check out snapshots of “WOMAN CHOSUN” here.

Jessica’s Doll-Like Beauty Recognized Overseas

A famous international website,, has included Jessica in their list of “10 Unbelievable Girls Who Look Like Dolls”. said, “Girls’ Generation’s Jessica has impressed us once again with her doll-like beauty. Her shoulder-length hair and perfect profile made her receive praises for being beautiful as a doll.” Jessica’s recent photoshoot in @star1 Magazine, where she impressed with her cute and elegant looks, showed that she was truly a doll-like beauty. The other girls chosen on the list included Dakota Rose, Venus Angelic of London, and Lily Cole, a British actress and supermodel.

Tiffany and Seohyun to Appear on MBC’s “Talk Concert”

Tiffany and Seohyun will make a guest appearance on the May 3rd broadcast of MBC’s “Talk Concert”. Other idols from SM Entertainment will also be featured in the show, including TVXQ’s Yunho and Changmin and Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Eunhyuk. You can check out a preview for the show here.

Girls’ Generation – TTS Reported on in Japanese Newspaper

Girls’ Generation – TTS has been reported on in a Japanese newspaper. Fans all over the world showed their excitement for the release of the “Twinkle” mini-album, which reached high positions on charts around the world. In particular, “Twinkle” reached first place on the Japan iTunes chart.

Taeyeon Featured on the Front Page of “Life” Section in “The Straits Times”

Taeyeon has been featured on the front page of the “Life” section in Singaporean newspaper “The Straits Times” in a feature called “How K-Pop Beat J-Pop”. Girls’ Generation was mentioned several times in the article, which also used a photo of a performance of “The Boys”.

JCE Releases “VIVA Update” for “Freestyle Football” Featuring Sooyoung as a Special Character

JCE has recently released a “VIVA Update” for the game “Freestyle Football”, along with other updates such as “Season Mission System” and an increase in number of items and trophies. Also mentioned were Sooyoung’s character strengths within the game.

SM Entertainment Launches New Official Website for Girls’ Generation – TTS

SM Entertainment has recently set up a new official website for the subunit group Girls’ Generation – TTS. The website links to the “Twinkle” teasers of Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun and comes equipped with sections for the group’s news, schedules, fanboard, and personal messages. You can visit the website here.

Girls’ Generation – TTS to Make Appearance on Super Junior’s “Kiss the Radio” and Boom’s “Young Street Radio”

As part of their promotions for their latest mini-album, “Twinkle”, Girls’ Generation – TTS will be making a guest appearance on SBS’s Power FM’s “Boom’s Young Street Radio”, as well as on KBS’s “Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio”, hosted by their labelmates Sungmin and Ryeowook from Super Junior. They will appear on “Boom’s Young Street Radio” on Friday, May 4th, at 8:00 PM KST and on “Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio” the same day at 10:00 PM KST.

 IGN Editor Promotes Girls’ Generation – TTS

IGN editor Ryan Clements caught the attention of Girls' Generation fans on Sunday by inserting a news flash on and calling the attention of site visitors to the new Girls' Generation subunit album. IGN is one of the largest gaming websites in the world. He then later jokingly said in a tweet, “Let’s see how long until the bosses notice…”

Taeyeon's “Missing You Like Crazy” wins MelOn's Chart Battle

Taeyeon's OST for “The King2Hearts” recently won song of the week on the prominent Korean music site MelOn. “Missing You Like Crazy” was up against the likes of popular songs such as “Volume Up” by 4minute and “Alone” by SISTAR, but won with 18.86% of the overall votes submitted over a five-day period.

Hyoyeon Attends “Dancing with the Stars Season 2″ Press Conference

On April 30th, Hyoyeon attended a press conference for “Dancing with the Stars Season 2″, appearing with the rest of the show’s cast. She looked stunning in a short dress that showed off her toned and slim legs. You can check out more photos from the press conference in Soshified’s Photos Section.


Taeyeon and Tiffany Promote “Twinkle” on Facebook

A picture was uploaded to MelOn’s official Facebook page showing Tiffany holding up a piece of paper which promotes her subunit’s upcoming song “Twinkle”. The paper reads, “If you wait a little bit longer, Girls’ Generation – TTS’s ‘Twinkle’ will be released. Please look forward to April 29th at 0:00 KST.” A photo of Taeyeon holding a paper saying “Twinkle” was also released on SMTown’s Facebook page.

Krystal Posts a Photo on Her me2day of Herself with Jessica

Krystal of f(x), Jessica’s sister, recently posted a photo on her me2day account of herself and Jessica. The two looked adorable in their matching clothing. Check out Krystal’s translated message in Soshified’s Translated Goodies Section.

New Sets of Pictures

@star1 MagazineJessica1, Jessica2

Fashion King – Yuri1, Yuri2

Fashion King by SMTown Facebook – Yuri1, Yuri2, Yuri3, Yuri4

I AM - Jessica, Sooyoung, Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4, Group5, Group6, Group7, Group8, Group9, Group10, Group11, Group12, Group13

Lotte Department Store - Group1, Group2

Look - Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, Seohyun

Love Rain - Yoona1, Yoona2, Yoona3, Yoona4, Yoona5, Yoona6, Yoona7, Yoona8, Yoona9, Yoona10, Yoona11, Yoona12, Yoona13, Yoona14, Yoona15, Yoona16, Yoona17, Yoona18, Yoona19, Yoona20, Yoona21, Yoona22, Yoona23, Yoona24, Yoona25

Love Rain by KBS Facebook – Yoona1, Yoona2, Yoona3, Yoona4, Yoona5, Yoona6, Yoona7, Yoona8

Yakult Filming – Jessica1, Jessica2, Sunny1, Sunny2, Yoona, Seohyun, Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4

Yakult Flyer- Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, Seohyun

SONE Picture/Video of the Week


The members of Girls’ Generation are known as much for their sense of humor as for their singing and their looks. This video combines some of the funniest Girls’ Generation moments into one video that is sure to make your sides hurt and your day a little brighter.

If you have any pictures or videos you’d like to submit for SONE Picture/Video of the Week, please feel free to do so by sending them to the Soshified Writing Team at or posting at the official SONE Picture/Video of the Week thread

Sources: Girls’ Generation Facebook, Yurui, Yurui,, KBS1, KBS2, KBS3, KBS Facebook,,,, dcinside, Love Rain Board, themrqstar@twitter.com1, themrqstar@twitter.com2, themrqstar@twitter.com3,,,,, etoday, Girls’ Generation – TTS Website, MelOn Facebook,,,, SBS, SBS2,, KBS,, Krystal’s me2day,, Have a Good Jam Campaign, MelOn, SMTown Facebook,

Written by: bhost909@soshified, Litney@soshified, nicholys@soshified, LetsGo@soshified, Best Served Soup, bethlyhem.
Contributors: jyhwang@soshified, minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at Follow us on Twitter: for the latest on Girls' Generation.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Girls’ Generation’s New CFs and Photos for Korea Yakult Receive Overwhelming Response from Fans

Girls' Generation's New CFs and Photos for Korea Yakult Receive Overwhelming Response from Fans


Korea Yakult has just released a new CF featuring Girls’ Generation. The CF shows the members of Girls’ Generation strutting down a runway while holding a new Korea Yakult diet product called “Look”. All of the members looked stunning in outfits which showed off their slim figures and long legs.

Earlier today, the Twitter account for Korea Yakult also tweeted several photos of Girls’ Generation from the filming of the CF and from a Korea Yakult leaflet. The photos created an explosive response among Twitter users, receiving hundreds of retweets for each photo in less than a minute each. In response, a representative from Korea Yakult stated, “It was a very mystical experience. We hire famous models from time to time, but this is my first time experiencing such a reaction.”

The new photos of Girls’ Generation from Korea Yakult can be found in Soshified’s Photos Section. Check out the new CF below.

Sources: Sport Chosun,,
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Contributor: minigiglo@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
Follow us on Twitter: for the latest on Girls' Generation.

‘Twinkle’ Achieves All-Kill on Korean Charts, Places Highly on iTunes Charts Worldwide

'Twinkle' Achieves All-Kill on Korean Charts, Places Highly on iTunes Charts Worldwide

Twinkle Cover

Shortly after being released, Girls’ Generation – TTS's “Twinkle” gained an all-kill on Korean music charts, while the mini-album ranked in various positions on iTunes charts across the globe.

The song shot to #1 on MelOn, Bugs, Olleh, Soribada, Mnet, Daum and Naver mere hours after the release, but perhaps even more exciting is the reaction to the worldwide album release. “Twinkle” not only charted highly in South Korea, but in various countries around the world on the iTunes store. The mini-album rose to #2 on the iTunes Pop album chart in the US store, and peaked at #4 in the overall album chart, just behind world-renowned and 6-time Grammy award winning artist Adele and her album “21″, which won Album of the Year in early 2012. Girls’ Generation set yet another record as the highest ranking Korean artist on the iTunes album charts.

Click for larger image

Alongside their success in the US Chart, Girls’ Generation – TTS charted highly in many more countries. “Twinkle” rose to #10 on iTunes Mexico's pop album chart, #18 in Spain, #32 in Ireland, #26 in the Netherlands, #22 in the UK, and charted at various positions on the Top Albums chart, including #11 in Sweden, #2 in Japan, #6 in Brazil, #60 in the UK, #15 in Finland, #36 in France, #56 in Italy, #5 in Canada, #4 in Australia, #8 in New Zealand, and even #1 in Bulgaria, showing just how just how global the appeal of Girls' Generation has become.

Source: iTunes, MelOn, Bugs, Olleh, Soribada, Mnet, Daum, Naver
Written by: bethlyhem.@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
Follow us on Twitter: for the latest on Girls' Generation.

Yoona Answers Questions About Acting in ‘Love Rain’

Yoona Answers Questions About Acting in 'Love Rain'


Girls’ Generation’s Yoona and Yuri are going head to head in dramas, and it has been revealed that they are burdened by the comparison of their acting skills.

On April 27th, Yoona met with reporters in Sangsudong where KBS 2TV’s “Love Rain” was filming. She gave her honest opinion on the citizens’ thoughts. Yoona was asked about the comparison between her and Yuri’s acting skills. She replied, “Our worries are different. It’s Yuri’s first time acting while it is time for me to strengthen my path as an actress”, and “I was surprised when I first saw Yuri acting. It was much better than my first time”.

Also, she explained the change in her acting, saying, “It’s been two years since I last acted, and during the two years, I feel like I matured a lot. While I’m reading the script, my field of vision on dramas becomes wider. If I looked at only my character before, now I think about the drama in general and then analyze my character.”

When asked about Girls’ Generation members’ reactions when they watched “Love Rain”, Yoona replied, “They all said they liked that I came out very pretty. They were especially surprised at the kiss scene.”

Sooyoung was selected as the member who monitors her the best. Yoona said, “Sooyoung unnie personally recorded my Japanese lines. I always listened to it right before I started acting, and from time to time, I was surpised because Sooyoung’s tone of voice popped out in my lines.”


Sources: Osen, KBS
Translated by: jyhwang@soshified, minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified, bhost909@soshified

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Best of the Best: Top 5 Cover Songs

The Best of the Best: Top 5 Cover Songs

The Best of the Best

Hello and welcome to the seventh edition of Soshified's "The Best of the Best", a monthly look into the best examples from categories of just about anything related to Girls' Generation. "The Best of the Best" will be slightly different from now on in that it will be me, bhost909, choosing the top five each month, but other than that, the "The Best of the Best" will be exactly the same! As decided by your votes last month, I listed my favorite Girls' Generation cover songs and the reasons why, and also included videos of the song covers after each pick to help you decide if you agree or if you think I'm just plain crazy. It can be tough to choose, but please be sure to let me know in the comments what would have been in your own top five! Finally, this feature is all about what you want to see, so don't forget to vote in the poll to determine what category I'll be tearing my hair out over for next month's "The Best of the Best". Now that all that's done, here we go with this month's top five.

5. Heaven – Jessica and Tiffany

Perhaps the most well-known duet by Girls' Generation's resident English speakers, Jessica and Tiffany's "Heaven" begins the list of my favorite covers by Girls' Generation. Originally sung by Bryan Adams in 1983, "Heaven" has since been covered by many popular artists, a list which Jessica and Tiffany joined in 2008. Appearing on Mnet's "Madam B Salon", the two performed their own touching version of the power ballad. While Jessica's voice is higher in pitch, soft, and sweet, Tiffany's voice is low and husky, and the two meld together to make a unique combination. Jessica displayed fantastic control over her vocals, while Tiffany was able to show off the strength of her voice. Though they have gone on to perform other amazing duets such as "Genie in a Bottle" and "Talk To Me", "Heaven" is still my favorite collaboration between Jessica and Tiffany. This duet earns the fifth spot on my list for its distinct sound and Jessica and Tiffany’s emotional singing.

4. Tell Me – Girls' Generation

On a "Music Bank" special in August of 2008, Girls' Generation and Wonder Girls traded songs with each other for a unique pair of performance stages. Wonder Girls covered Girls' Generation's "Kissing You", while Girls' Generation covered Wonder Girls's hit, "Tell Me". With this performance, Girls' Generation showed that they had the ability to adapt to nearly any concept, performing a song very different from the ones they had promoted. They altered how lines in the song were distributed, changed the choreography to accommodate nine people instead of the usual five in the Wonder Girls, and gave Hyoyeon the song's lengthy dance solo. Taeyeon and Jessica, who received the majority of the lines in the song, proved they could take on unfamiliar lyrics while dancing an unfamiliar choreography, and Hyoyeon and Yuri successfully split and performed the song's rap. Overall, the vocals of all the members combined with the choreography made "Tell Me" a successful cover, and fourth on my list of best ever covers by Girls' Generation.

3. I Want You and Resent You – Taeyeon and Jessica

Taeyeon and Jessica's cover of As One's "I Want You and Resent You" is next on the list of my favorite covers by Girls' Generation. Performed just three weeks after their debut in August of 2007, the two demonstrated why they would later become known nationwide as two of Girls' Generation's strongest vocalists. Their voices shined both when harmonizing and on their own, as the song showcased Taeyeon's powerful and soothing voice and Jessica's amazing control. With "I Want You and Resent You", Taeyeon and Jessica presented a spectacular cover that showed off their tremendous talents at only eighteen years old, and took the third spot on this list.

2. Because You Loved Me – Taeyeon and Seohyun

Girls' Generation's leader and maknae haven't had many chances to sing duets together, and with their cover of Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me", I can't help but wonder why. On Taeyeon's Chinchin Radio in July of 2009, Taeyeon and Seohyun took on a worldwide hit and delivered a beautiful rendition that combined Taeyeon's powerful vocals with Seohyun's gentle voice and flawless harmonies. Their high notes were stunning and despite not singing in Korean, their accents nearly go unnoticed. Taeyeon and Seohyun's rich voices both complement each other and fit the song's emotional lyrics, making the two a well-chosen pair for a very touching song. The blend of their voices and perfect choice of song win “Because You Loved Me” second on top five list of my favorite Girls’ Generation covers.

1. Girls' Generation – Girls' Generation

It can be easy to forget that "Girls' Generation", the title track of Girls' Generation's self-titled debut album, is also a cover of a song by legendary vocalist Lee Seungchul. The song that gave one of Korea's most famous girl groups its name, "Girls' Generation" was originally released as part of Lee Seungchul's album "The Last Concert" on December 10th, 1989, just five days after Yuri was born. Nearly eighteen years later in November of 2007, the members of Girls' Generation released their first full length album and made their first comeback performances on various music shows with a reinvented "Girls' Generation". What was originally a song as old as six members of Girls' Generation and performed by an accomplished male vocalist became a modernized pop track for nine young women just starting out in the entertainment world. Girls' Generation transformed this song into their own, complete with a music video, performance outfits, and dance choreography, and would eventually perform "Girls' Generation" in concerts all around the world. Until another song receives the same treatment, "Girls' Generation" is my pick for Girls' Generation's very best cover.


Written by: bhost909@soshified
Edited by: residentbenchwarmer@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified
Contributor: minigiglo@soshified

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Girls’ Generation – TTS Releases ‘Twinkle’ Mini-album

Girls' Generation – TTS Releases 'Twinkle' Mini-album

Twinkle Cover

Girls’ Generation – TTS has just released the “Twinkle” mini-album onto various music sites, including iTunes, MelOn, and Olleh. The mini-album consists of seven songs:

1. Twinkle
2. Baby Steps
3. OMG (Oh My God)
4. Library
5. 안녕 (Good-bye, Hello)
6. 처음이었죠 (Love Sick)
7. 체크메이트 (Checkmate)

In addition, fans purchasing the mini-album from iTunes will receive a special digital booklet and a seven minute audio file of Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun introducing the tracks. A short version of the introduction can be found on SMTOWN’s YouTube channel.

Those downloading the mini-album from iTunes are also eligible to participate in a special contest by taking a picture of their purchase and sending it to More details on this contest can be found on SMTOWN’s Facebook page.

Sources:, iTunes, MelOn, Olleh, SMTOWN Facebook
Written by: bhost909@soshified

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Jessica Attends Burberry Taiwan Flagship Store Opening

Jessica Attends Burberry Taiwan Flagship Store Opening


On April 26th, Girls’ Generation’s Jessica attended the opening of a new Burberry store in “Taipei 101″, a skyscraper and an icon of Taiwan. This was the second Burberry event in which Girls’ Generation has participated, after Tiffany, Yoona and Seohyun flew to London as Korea’s representatives for the “2012 F/W Burberry Prorsum Fashion Show” in February earlier this year. Christopher Bailey, Burberry’s creative managing director who personally invited Tiffany, Yoona and Seohyun to London, also thanked Jessica with a hard-written note, which read, “Dear Jessica – Welcome to Taipei!!! So pleased you can join us on Thursday + really looking forward to see you. All my best, Christopher.”

Along with other global stars such as Daniel Henney and Jolin Tsai, Jessica attended a short media photo session at the store opening in which she revealed that she has been working on Girls’ Generation’s next Japanese album and getting lots of rest. She also promised to return to Taiwan in the future with the other members of Girls’ Generation.

At the photo session, Jessica had the chance to take photos with Daniel Henney, who she once admitted is her ideal type of man.

Daniel Henney later tweeted a photo of himself with Jessica, saying “Great event last night! Had fun w/Jessica from snsd…” Jessica then also posted a similar photo and a message on Girls’ Generation’s official website. She began the message saying “had fun w/ daniel :)” and then continued by thanking fans in Taiwan once more for their warm welcome. The photo and full translated message can be found in Soshified’s Translated Goodies Section.

More photos of Jessica at the event can be found in Soshified’s Photos Section. Check out Burberry’s video of the store opening and press coverage of Jessica at the media session below. Jessica appears at 0:17 of the Burberry video and at 0:54 of the second news video.



Written by: bhost909@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Seohyun’s ‘Twinkle’ Teaser and More Info About Girls’ Generation – TTS Released

Seohyun's 'Twinkle' Teaser and More Info About Girls' Generation – TTS Released


The third teaser for Girls’ Generation – TTS’s title track, “Twinkle”, has just been released, this time featuring Seohyun.

In the teaser, Seohyun goes from cute to glamorous, showing off her many talents. Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun are even seen rocking out on stage with a band.

Along with the teaser, some more information about some of the tracks on the mini-album has been revealed. “Twinkle” falls into the funky soul genre with a mid-tempo reminiscent of a 70′s-80′s Stevie Wonder style song. The straight-forward daring feel and lyrics show off the three members’ exceptional vocals. “Baby Steps” has a mid-tempo groove with a strong R&B style. “OMG” is an electronic-retro pop track with a unique sound, and “Love Sick” is about a shy girl who learns about love through her first crush. “Good-bye, Hello” is a track with a shuffle rhythm about not being able to believe that they just went through a break-up the day before.

Additionally, SM Entertainment revealed the thought process behind naming the unit “Girls’ Generation – TTS”. The name “TaeTiSeo” is made up of the first syllables of Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun. This name has the letters “T” and “S”, which have distinct sounds, giving a strong vibe of the team and also lets the fans recognize the members instantly. A representative of Girls’ Generation explained, “We made the unit name as simple as possible. It is easy to remember and recognize who the members are. We can add members or change members easily in the future with this name. We are planning very flexible activities, so for the long run, we made a name that is easy to remember rather than making a new name.”

SM Entertainment will also be holding a special contest for the release of “Twinkle” on iTunes on April 29th. Take a picture of your purchase on iTunes and email it to along with your name, age, and address for a chance to win a special prize. Head over to the SMTOWN Facebook page for more details.

Girls’ Generation – TTS’s mini-album, “Twinkle”, will be released digitally on April 29th on iTunes, and the physical album will be released on May 2nd. Check out Seohyun’s teaser below.

Source:, Sports Chosun, Newsen
Written by: MoonSoshi9@soshified
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified, minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: bhost909@soshified

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