Hello, and welcome to the March edition of Learn Korean with Soshi. March has been a month full of highlights, and it is now time to bring you five new Korean phrases to devour. You can type these out on your computer by pressing the keys located below each phrase, and make sure you know how to type them out by reading this post. If you're fired up by these phrases and feel that five isn't enough, you can view the past editions here. Happy learning! 너무 좋은 노래인 것 같아요 (Neomu joheun noraein geot gatayo) = I think it’s a really good song How to type: sjan whgdms shfodls rjt rkxdkdy During an interview with MTV, Yoona was asked about her opinion of the song "Gee", and she answered that it was a really good song. 너무 means too (excessive), 좋은 means to be good (좋- "good" + adjective marker -은), 노래 means song, and the ending -인 것 같아요 describes the sentence as an opinion. An example situation where the phrase 너무 좋은 노래인 것 같아요 would be used: "What do you think about this song?" Hyoyeon handed her earphones over to her manager, letting him listen to whatever that was blasting on her iPod. "I'm thinking of choreographing something to that but I need your opinion." It wasn't until halfway throughout the song that the manager gave an answer, "너무 좋은 노래인 것 같아요. I can imagine some interesting moves coming from this kind of beat." Hyoyeon thanked her manager excitedly and went straight to the practice room, letting her body move to the rhythm of the song. 전화할게요 (Jeonhwahalgeyo) = (I) will call (you) How to type: wjsghkgkfrpdy The members of Girls' Generation were delighted when Ock Joohyun appeared as a guest star on their episode of “Win Win”. They showed their affection towards the unnie, not only throughout the segment, but also backstage. When they had to say goodbye to each other, Jessica exclaimed that she will keep in touch by giving Ock Joohyun a phone call. 전화하- means to phone/to call, and -ㄹ게요 is an expression of willingness to do something. An example situation where the phrase 전화할게요 would be used: "Hey," Seohyun tapped the shoulder of the boy lining up in front of her at the coffee shop, "how are you?". Yonghwa flashed her a smile before casually saying that he has to rush because he has a band practice in less than an hour. They conversed for a while and decided to watch a movie together some time just to catch up. "전화할게요," Yonghwa called out before he exited the shop, and Seohyun gave him a keen nod. 잠깐만 (Jamkkanman) = Wait How to type: wkaRksaks In “Midnight Sun” the musical, Taeyeon's character, Kaoru, had to call out to the lead male character, Koji, to catch his attention. 잠깐 meansshort time/for a moment/briefly and 만 means only/just. Literally, the whole phrase means just a moment, but is often implied as wait. The phrase 잠깐만 is considered informal, but can be used more politely by adding a -요 at the end, making it 잠깐만요. An example situation where the phrase 잠깐만 would be used: Jessica stretched her arms as she felt the morning sun greet her. She kept her eyes closed, taking in the moment of being able to wake up without being rushed. Wait, that didn't sound right. She opened her eyes and grabbed her phone. It was 9:34 AM, and if she recalled correctly, the girls had a meeting at ten. She sprung out of her bed and out of her bedroom, baffled to find the other members putting on their shoes. They must have given up on waking her, because Seohyun was already walking out the door. "잠깐만!" Jessica yelled, and rushed back into her bedroom. She needed to get ready, and fast. 종종 들어요 (Jongjong deureoyo) = I hear it occasionally How to type: whdwhd emfdjdy On KBS2 “Global Talk Show”, Jessica was asked whether or not she knew about people spotting her resemblance to a fox. She answered lightly by saying that she hears it once in a while. 종종 means occasionally/once in a while/from time to time, and 들어요 means to hear (들- "to hear" + polite sentence ending -어요). An example situation where the phrase 종종 들어요 would be used: During a talk show with all nine members of Girls’ Generation, Sooyoung and Yuri talked about how the maknae liked to rush them when getting ready for their next flight, afraid that the plane will leave without them even though they had a couple of hours to spare. Seohyun responded by saying that it was an old habit, and she would arrive at the airport early just in case. The MC then asked her if she was aware of her inflexible personality, to which she answered, “종종 들어요.” 준비되셨나요? (Junbidwaesyeotnayo?) = Are you ready? How to type: wnsqlehltuTskdy The boys of 2PM were delighted to find out that Girls' Generation would be the special guests for their show, “Idol Army”. They expressed their happiness in all sorts of ways, but they end up neglecting their original job as MCs, and the six girls decided to take over. In order to do a short segment for their show, a few preparations were made, and Sunny questioned them by asking if they were ready. 준비 means ready, 되 means to become, and 셨나요 is a polite sentence ending which states that the sentence is a question. An example situation where the phrase 준비되셨나요? would be used: Despite her appearance as the calm and composed maknae of Girls' Generation, Seohyun discovered a difficulty in breathing steadily just a couple of minutes before her solo performance of "Sixteen Going On Seventeen". When one of the stylists approached the performer to do a final check on her outfit, she noticed that Seohyun’s hands were shaking. "준비되셨나요?" the stylist asked. Seohyun fell quiet, but the crowd suddenly erupted and she realized that it was her turn to perform now. A surge of confidence flowed through her, and she gave the stylist a nod. 3, 2, 1, onto the stage. Written by: spiceshoe@soshified Contributors: minigiglo@soshified, taengbear@soshified, bhost909@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified Banner by: Chef@soshified Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at tip@soshified.com. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/soshified for the latest on Girls' Generation. |