Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Best of the Best: Top 5 Performances

The Best of the Best: Top 5 Performances


Hello, and welcome to the sixth edition of "The Best of the Best": a countdown of the best in Girls' Generation music, CFs, and related media. While this time I went over the Top 5 Performances, you guys can tell me what you want to see next by voting in the poll at the end of the article. More votes are always better, so please tell me what you want! As for this edition, read through my explanation for each choice, then leave your own opinions of the best performances in the comments section! I'll post a video for each performance at the start of each explanation. Let's start, shall we?

5. “Into The New World Debut” performance

To start, this performance has to be on the list. The debut performance of the girls on SBS Inkigayo was the beginning of a career that we never could have imagined. While the girls don’t seem too nervous onstage, their hearts were surely pounding through every step of the choreography that they practiced hundreds of times. They showcased a completely innocent and pure feel as rookies, something which you don’t see as much with more recent newcomers. The appearance of the girls combined with the older feeling of the song emits a nostalgic feeling that makes the performance a treat to watch. The broadcast’s sentimental value is important in this performance making it onto the countdown, but because it does not have the additional aspects that the other stages have, it is just a normal stage.

4. “The Boys” performance at the MNet MAMA Awards 2011

“The Boys”, for all the performances that we saw, never had a proper remix, which is critical in sustaining interest in a track as well as providing a treat for the fans. The girls finally gave us one when they performed a remixed version of “The Boys” for the first time at the MNet MAMA Awards in Singapore. A lengthy dance sequence opened the performance, to the awe of everyone who attended. The girls showed off swift, precise, and forceful moves with colorful backgrounds accompanying them along the way. The rest of the performance was quite the show as well. While the stage started off with the girls singing in Korean, during the middle of the song the girls suddenly changed to English, and a catchy, new remix track backed the girls up. This bilingual surprise, combined with the long dance break towards the end, made it a stunning performance. Its unique opening, combined with the electrifying remix, cemented a place on this list. The remix was definitely impressive, but the next performance on the countdown remixed a song in an even more remarkable way.

3. The “Sexy Remix” of “Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)”

The Gayo Daejuns are often a special occasion: a showcase of the songs that dominated the airwaves throughout the year. 2009 was definitely Girls’ Generation’s year, so fans were naturally eager to see what their performances would be like at the year-end shows. The so called “Sexy Remix” of “Tell Me Your Wish” blew everyone away. The performance started off at a much slower pace than the original, turning the more upbeat rhythm of the song into a calmer one. Yet, around a minute into the song, the song speeds up, following an addictive beat which lasts the rest of the performance. The extended ending with new choreography put a exclamation point on the performance. Much of the choreography for the remix followed the original dance, but there were a few new additions which made the dance that much more sensual. The unique feel and rhythm of the stage made it stunning, but a few other performances combined that factor with other aspects, for example, a remarkable setting, to make it even better.

2. Boryeong Mud Festival

You cannot bring up many instances in which the girls performed a song in the rain, not to mention three of them. One of the songs, “Tell Me Your Wish”, is one of my favorite Girls’ Generation tracks, which made me love this performance right off the bat. Surprisingly, the girls looked quite stunning in their drenched outfits, and while the weather made things difficult, they performed to the best of their capabilities. This perseverance exemplifies the hard-working nature of the girls and how they do not want to disappoint their fans. Of course, a few other small things made this performance especially memorable. Whether it was Taeyeon dropping her mic during a hand-off, Yuri messing up her formations during “Etude”, or Seohyun losing her shoe, there were some mistakes which you rarely see coming from our girls. These minor imperfections, mixed with the unique setting, combined to make a performance that I wouldn’t soon forget. While it seems like there isn’t really anything that can top this, the last performance combines laughs, emotions, and a stage that surely cannot be topped.

1. “Into The New World”, Chuseok Festival 2009

This is my favorite performance by the girls, not only for the stage itself, but also for my own sentimental value. The performance first starts off with a video of the girls in a training room, goofing off, but finally remembering and executing their “Into The New World” choreography perfectly. Just seeing the girls be themselves is something that all SONEs can truly cherish. The upbeat atmosphere and nostalgic value added something that was unique yet familiar. And while number five on the countdown was memorable as well, this performance showed their transformation from girls into young women, a sight that was truly beautiful. For the stage, the girls were in their “Forever 9″ sweaters, which created an unforgettable image and projected a sense of unity. This performance really cemented my love for the girls and turned me into a full-fledged SONE, and because of that sole reason, I don’t think anything could ever top it.



Written by: JeremyJay22@soshified
Contributors: residentbenchwarmer@soshified

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Learn Korean with Soshi: March Edition

Learn Korean with Soshi: March Edition

Featured Image

Hello, and welcome to the March edition of Learn Korean with Soshi. March has been a month full of highlights, and it is now time to bring you five new Korean phrases to devour. You can type these out on your computer by pressing the keys located below each phrase, and make sure you know how to type them out by reading this post. If you're fired up by these phrases and feel that five isn't enough, you can view the past editions here. Happy learning!

너무 좋은 노래인 것 같아요 (Neomu joheun noraein geot gatayo) = I think it’s a really good song
How to type: sjan whgdms shfodls rjt rkxdkdy

During an interview with MTV, Yoona was asked about her opinion of the song "Gee", and she answered that it was a really good song. 너무 means too (excessive), 좋은 means to be good (좋- "good" + adjective marker -은), 노래 means song, and the ending -인 것 같아요 describes the sentence as an opinion.

An example situation where the phrase 너무 좋은 노래인 것 같아요 would be used:
"What do you think about this song?" Hyoyeon handed her earphones over to her manager, letting him listen to whatever that was blasting on her iPod. "I'm thinking of choreographing something to that but I need your opinion." It wasn't until halfway throughout the song that the manager gave an answer, "너무 좋은 노래인 것 같아요. I can imagine some interesting moves coming from this kind of beat." Hyoyeon thanked her manager excitedly and went straight to the practice room, letting her body move to the rhythm of the song.

전화할게요 (Jeonhwahalgeyo) = (I) will call (you)
How to type: wjsghkgkfrpdy

The members of Girls' Generation were delighted when Ock Joohyun appeared as a guest star on their episode of “Win Win”. They showed their affection towards the unnie, not only throughout the segment, but also backstage. When they had to say goodbye to each other, Jessica exclaimed that she will keep in touch by giving Ock Joohyun a phone call. 전화하- means to phone/to call, and -ㄹ게요 is an expression of willingness to do something.

An example situation where the phrase 전화할게요 would be used:
"Hey," Seohyun tapped the shoulder of the boy lining up in front of her at the coffee shop, "how are you?". Yonghwa flashed her a smile before casually saying that he has to rush because he has a band practice in less than an hour. They conversed for a while and decided to watch a movie together some time just to catch up. "전화할게요," Yonghwa called out before he exited the shop, and Seohyun gave him a keen nod.

잠깐만 (Jamkkanman) = Wait
How to type: wkaRksaks

In “Midnight Sun” the musical, Taeyeon's character, Kaoru, had to call out to the lead male character, Koji, to catch his attention. 잠깐 meansshort time/for a moment/briefly and 만 means only/just. Literally, the whole phrase means just a moment, but is often implied as wait. The phrase 잠깐만 is considered informal, but can be used more politely by adding a -요 at the end, making it 잠깐만요.

An example situation where the phrase 잠깐만 would be used:
Jessica stretched her arms as she felt the morning sun greet her. She kept her eyes closed, taking in the moment of being able to wake up without being rushed. Wait, that didn't sound right. She opened her eyes and grabbed her phone. It was 9:34 AM, and if she recalled correctly, the girls had a meeting at ten. She sprung out of her bed and out of her bedroom, baffled to find the other members putting on their shoes. They must have given up on waking her, because Seohyun was already walking out the door. "잠깐만!" Jessica yelled, and rushed back into her bedroom. She needed to get ready, and fast.

종종 들어요 (Jongjong deureoyo) = I hear it occasionally
How to type: whdwhd emfdjdy

On KBS2 “Global Talk Show”, Jessica was asked whether or not she knew about people spotting her resemblance to a fox. She answered lightly by saying that she hears it once in a while. 종종 means occasionally/once in a while/from time to time, and 들어요 means to hear (들- "to hear" + polite sentence ending -어요).

An example situation where the phrase 종종 들어요 would be used:
During a talk show with all nine members of Girls’ Generation, Sooyoung and Yuri talked about how the maknae liked to rush them when getting ready for their next flight, afraid that the plane will leave without them even though they had a couple of hours to spare. Seohyun responded by saying that it was an old habit, and she would arrive at the airport early just in case. The MC then asked her if she was aware of her inflexible personality, to which she answered, “종종 들어요.”

준비되셨나요? (Junbidwaesyeotnayo?) = Are you ready?
How to type: wnsqlehltuTskdy

The boys of 2PM were delighted to find out that Girls' Generation would be the special guests for their show, “Idol Army”. They expressed their happiness in all sorts of ways, but they end up neglecting their original job as MCs, and the six girls decided to take over. In order to do a short segment for their show, a few preparations were made, and Sunny questioned them by asking if they were ready. 준비 means ready, 되 means to become, and 셨나요 is a polite sentence ending which states that the sentence is a question.

An example situation where the phrase 준비되셨나요? would be used:
Despite her appearance as the calm and composed maknae of Girls' Generation, Seohyun discovered a difficulty in breathing steadily just a couple of minutes before her solo performance of "Sixteen Going On Seventeen". When one of the stylists approached the performer to do a final check on her outfit, she noticed that Seohyun’s hands were shaking. "준비되셨나요?" the stylist asked. Seohyun fell quiet, but the crowd suddenly erupted and she realized that it was her turn to perform now. A surge of confidence flowed through her, and she gave the stylist a nod. 3, 2, 1, onto the stage.

Written by: spiceshoe@soshified
Contributors: minigiglo@soshified, taengbear@soshified, bhost909@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified
Banner by: Chef@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
Follow us on Twitter: for the latest on Girls' Generation.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Japanese Mobile Fansite Reveals Individual Stories for “Time Machine” Music Video

Japanese Mobile Fansite Reveals Individual Stories for "Time Machine" Music Video

Time Machine group

The Japanese mobile fansite recently revealed the individual stories of each member for the music video “Time Machine”. Below are the pictures and the translated stories for each member. The lyrics for “Time Machine” can be found here.

Sitting in the back seat of a luxury car. Jessica knows the relationship is ending.
In order to fit into her boyfriend’s busy life, who focuses everything on his company, she overextends herself. Even now, only his car comes around to meet her. When that happens, it's frustrating.
Even riding in the car, he is not next to her. She doesn’t need expensive clothes and bags anymore.
She wants to return to her real self. You can see a little hope in that sad face.

Yoona is waiting until her wedding ceremony. But, feelings of an ex-boyfriend have always been lying somewhere in her heart.
Yoona is running. It doesn’t matter what her ex-boyfriend is doing now. She runs toward him thinking if there might be a chance to go back to the old times.
Instead of the chapel rice shower, it is like the falling snow is blessing the new Yoona.
She tries to go back to him. No matter how it ends up.

Right now, the relationship with him has ended. Sunny runs out of the store as the rain’s tears fall.
There wasn’t supposed to be any regrets. When they broke up, she put on a strong facade and dressed in a black set up. It rains so it can hide her crying visage. After a long bout of crying, Sunny walks forward.
There is a slight flow of hope in her expression.

Right now Taeyeon is happy. However, inadvertently thinking of the past, she thinks of a past boyfriend. In that contented life, just thinking about it causes her chest to tighten.
It was fun when they were going out. Just the smallest mistake and they went their separate ways.
She often thinks about what would have happened if they continued to be together.
Without a doubt, right now she is happy. But what if it was a different kind of happiness.

Hyoyeon is waiting for her ex-boyfriend. But she doesn’t know if he’ll come. She arbitrarily told him she wanted to meet him. If she was able to go back in time, she would call him desperately. Hyoyeon looks at the time, but he doesn’t come. The men’s size antique Rolex she received from her grandfather is a little big for her wrist. Only time passes. Afterward, when she stops looking at her watch, she looks to the sky.
The light of the evening street lamps lights her face.

In the middle of a mansion, Seohyun is in an all white room.Inside a gentle white room, she wears all white clothes and wears a corsage on top her head. Her parents don’t like her going out. She knows that. She is what you call a sheltered daughter.
The boy that she had an unrequited love for went far away. she’s living in a dream where if she only went back into the past to tell him about her feelings.
But, building up her courage, she runs out. To him.

Sooyoung is alone in the hotel she is visiting for work. The person who calls is him. While talking they begin to quarrel. Somewhere among the busy days, they stopped seeing eye to eye. Thinking of it now, something like this shouldn't have happened. She doesn’t want to show her crying face over the phone.
Sooyoung speaks of breaking up. After a few minutes of silence, the two laugh. They both laugh off their stubbornness.

Tiffany dashes through the park. This park is the perfect place where nobody will bother her.
After joining the company, she went out with a fellow co-worker repeatedly.
Just like that the word marriage came out, but one day he wanted to break up with her suddenly.
Even after many months passed, she still doesn’t know the reason. If they can’t go back, she wants to ask why. “Is it my fault?”
If she knew why, she would be able to move forward.

At home, Yuri grips her cell phone. Even if she waits the phone does not ring.
To distract herself from the loneliness, she has a party with friends. When her friends go home, the loneliness comes back. In reality, she already realizes that it ended somewhere. On the other hand, she still hopes to continue on with him.
The hand that grips the cell phone becomes tighter.

Source: Japanese Mobile Fansite
Written by: SeraphKY@soshified
Translated by: arghninja@soshified, SeraphKY@soshified, redsunset@soshified
Edited by: letaengbutt@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
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Lotte Department Store Reveals a CF Featuring Girls’ Generation

Lotte Department Store Reveals a CF Featuring Girls' Generation


A brand new CF and interview have recently been released as part of Girls’ Generation’s endorsement for Lotte Department Store. The CF features clips of Girls’ Generation performing parts of the choreography from “The Boys” while dressed in beautiful outfits, different from those in the “The Boys” music video. The members are also seen preparing their hair and makeup, as well as choosing accessories. They go through several different sets of outfits throughout the CF as they pose for photos and enjoy themselves during the filming.

Lotte Department Store has also released a brief interview with Girls’ Generation, in which Taeyeon promotes Lotte’s new online mall. The members keep the same look from the new CF in the interview.

Finally, on March 29th, Sunny, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung attended a fansign event to commemorate the grand opening of the Pyeongchon branch of the Lotte Department Store. They were later joined by Yuri for the store’s opening ceremony. Photos from the fansign event and opening ceremony can be found in Soshified’s Photos Section here and here.

Check out the CF and interview below.


Written by: bhost909@soshified
Contributor: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yuri to Endorse Cosmetics Brand ‘Mamonde’

Yuri to Endorse Cosmetics Brand 'Mamonde'



Girls’ Generation member Yuri, who has been praised for her recent attempt at acting, has become the newest muse for cosmetics brand Amore Pacific Mamonde.

A Mamonde brand representative stated, “We chose Yuri, who has been gaining love from men and woman for her exceptional talents and friendly image, as the model for Mamonde brand.”

They added, “As the best Hallyu star who carries a clean and cheerful charm, we are expecting Yuri to help [Mamonde] become a global brand, alongside Choi Siwon, who was chosen as Mamonde’s first male model last year.”

On becoming a makeup model by herself for the first time, Yuri stated, “I’m happy I’ve become a model for the representative Korean brand Mamonde. Please look forward to my various charms that will be shown with Mamonde.”

Mamonde’s newest muse, Yuri, is expected to be active as a model in Korea as well as globally with Choi Siwon. The TV CF and online videos showing her beauty will be revealed in April.


Source:, Sportsworldi via Daum
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

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‘Love Rain’ Releases a Behind-The-Scenes Video and Interview with Yoona

'Love Rain' Releases a Behind-The-Scenes Video and Interview with Yoona


Following its recent premiere on March 26th, “Love Rain” has released a behind-the-scenes video of the drama’s filming and a video showing an interview with Yoona. Yoona, who plays both Kim Yoonhee from the 1970s and Jung Hana in the present day, can be seen acting as Kim Yoonhee and working with Jang Geunsuk and the drama’s director in the behind-the-scenes video.

In the interview segment, Yoona introduces her character, Kim Yoonhee, as a very quiet, calm, and reserved person. Yoona reveals that Yoonhee “lives with her grandmother after losing both of her parents when she was young,” and that “She studies very hard to bring happiness to her grandmother and works really hard.” Kim Yoonhee’s entire character profile has also been posted on “Love Rain”‘s official homepage and smartphone application.

Fans who have seen the first episode of “Love Rain” will remember that several male characters were attracted to Yoonhee. Yoona comments on her character’s appeal by saying, “Yoonhee is… very popular among men. [laughs]  But, I can’t really express my emotions even if there is a guy I like. [Translator's note: Yoona temporarily switches her point-of-view to that of Yoonhee's.] She receives love from both In-ha and Dongwook but doesn’t express herself very well.”

Yoona also compares herself to Yoonhee and says, “She’s very different from myself. She is quiet, has a bit of patience, and is very different from my actual personality.” Finally, Yoona concludes her interview, adding, “We’re doing our best in filming ‘Love Rain’, so please look forward to future episodes.”

Check out the behind-the-scenes video clip and Yoona’s interview below.

Source:, Love Rain Official Homepage
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Contributor: minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hyoyeon to MC ‘Music Core’ with Seohyun on April 7th

Hyoyeon to MC 'Music Core' with Seohyun on April 7th

hyoyeon hoot hq



On the April 7th broadcast of MBC’s “Show! Music Core”, Hyoyeon will be joining Seohyun as MCs for the show.

Hyoyeon will be making a foray into emceeing, and fans are already anticipating a fun show with the two roommates, who are sure to have a good time together. Hyoyeon has been showing off her comedic talent lately with her role as a G8 member on KBS 2TV’s “Invincible Youth 2″.

Taeyeon and Tiffany, who are Seohyun’s regular MC partners on “Music Core”, will be abroad as they MC for the 2012 Korean Music Wave in Bangkok.

Don’t miss MC Hyoyeon and Seohyun on “Music Core”, airing on April 7th at 4:10PM KST on MBC.


Source: Girls’ Generation official schedule
Written by: MoonSoshi9@soshified
Edited by: LetsGo@soshified

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Updated: OST for ‘The King 2 Hearts’ Featuring Taeyeon Released

Updated: OST for 'The King 2 Hearts' Featuring Taeyeon Released



The OST for the drama “The King 2 Hearts”, which is sung by Taeyeon, has just been released. The song is up for sale on various music sites such as Melon, Olleh and MNet.

Previous article from 27/3/12 :

Taeyeon’s OST track for MBC’s drama “The King 2 Hearts” will be used as Ha Jiwon’s theme song, titled “미치게 보고 싶은” (“Missing You Like Crazy”). Ha Jiwon plays one of the lead female characters alongside Lee Seunggi in the drama. The song will be a sad, loving ballad that has modern rock and funk incorporated into it, making it serene. The OST is a song filled with emotions, from controlled to explosive, representing Ha Jiwon’s character’s mentality.

Taeyeon had been asked to sing the OST for the drama on numerous occasions, but had been declining due to Girls’ Generation’s busy overseas schedules. However, she kept a promise she made with the musical director, Lee Pil-Ho, three years and six months ago when they worked together on the “Beethoven Virus” OST.

When Lee Pil-Ho first received the synopsis for “The King 2 Hearts” last summer, he had made special requests only to Taeyeon, saying, “The only singer who can sing the main title song is Taeyeon. I haven’t thought of anyone else but Taeyeon.”

The OST track will be revealed on the third episode of “The King 2 Hearts” on March 28th.

Source: Newsen, Melon, OllehMNet
Written by: LetsGo@soshified
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: taengsoshi@soshified
Contributors: SeraphKY@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
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Monday, March 26, 2012

CNBNews Interviews Sunny on Her Upcoming Musical ‘Catch Me If You Can’

CNBNews Interviews Sunny on Her Upcoming Musical 'Catch Me If You Can'


The era has passed where singers only sing. Just as singers show off their talents in various variety shows, they are also showing off their outstanding acting skills in dramas and even taking home rookie awards. Girls’ Generation’s Yoona won a rookie acting award for the drama "You Are My Destiny" in 2008, and she has transformed into an actress yet again for her most recent drama "Love Rain". Yuri is showing her acting in the drama "Fashion King". Taeyeon, Jessica and Tiffany have transformed into musical actresses in the productions such as, “Midnight Sun”, "Legally Blonde" and "Fame".

This time, Sunny, Girls’ Generation’s cutie, is stepping up by appearing in the musical "Catch Me if You Can". This musical is a reinterpretation of the Steven Spielberg-directed movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. Last year, this musical was nominated for four Tony Awards and also received an award for Best Leading Actor.

The main character Frank, who has a talent for deceiving others, disguises himself as a pilot and forges company checks to steal 1.4 million dollars. Carl Hanratty, FBI agent of 21 years, has caught onto Frank and chases after him. Sunny plays the role of Brenda, the naive girl who loves Frank.

Wang Yongbum is in charge of the adaptation and direction of the musical, and the musical is set to be in production from March 28th to June 10th at the Blue Square Samsung Card Hall. We have heard the determination of Sunny, who is about to debut as a musical actress.

-How did you come to be a part of this cast?

I wanted to take on a challenge in a new area, and there was a casting for a character that suited me well, so I took the courage to try it out.

-What do you feel about your debut?

I worried a lot, but I’ve also learned a lot from practicing together with the fellow actors and staff crew. They gave me a great deal of encouragement. Now, my nervousness from anticipation is greater than my fear.

-Please introduce the character you will be playing in the musical. Are you playing a role that has many similarities to yourself?

Brenda is a very loveable and cute character, and she is the only character in the play that gives love genuinely and also receives love. She tries hard to express those charming characteristics that she has. Her bright personality and her inability to hide her feelings are very similar to me.

-How did you like the original movie, "Catch Me if You Can"?

It was very impressive. I enjoyed it so much as I was watching it, and I was curious of how it would turn out as a musical. But it was so much more fun than I expected, and the story is so good that I am very happy and honored to be a part of this work.

-What was most difficult for you as you were practicing?

It was a little difficult going to both my own personal schedules and practice. I filmed a CF yesterday, I have musical practice today, I'm going to Jeju Island to MC, and the day after that, there's a shooting for a variety show… But even still, every day is new and lively, so I'm having fun.

-What's the biggest difference between being on stage as a singer and being on stage as a musical actress?

Of course, a singer is acting on stage too, but with a musical, the whole production is acted out and you have to sing and express yourself accordingly as well, so that was new for me. I think I'm still lacking in those areas so I'm currently working hard at it.

-Your fellow members Taeyeon, Jessica and Tiffany have all debuted as musical actresses before you. Have you seen any of the productions they were a part of?

Yes, I saw all of them. I remember them all having a really hard time fitting in the musical with the group activities. But I also remember thinking that they were so admirable, being able to perform so amazingly. I have a lot more time to practice, compared to the time that the other members had, so I'm going to try hard to do well.

-Your sunbaes in theater are Taeyeon, Jessica and Tiffany. Did they give any words of advice for you?

All of them gave me tons of encouragement rather than words of advice. They told me not to worry and do well, because if I work hard, it'll be undoubtedly fun and enjoyable.

-Is there any musical or play you’ve seen with much interest?

While in New York for a schedule, I made some time to watch the “Lion King’ musical”. The thought, “It’s really great” constantly popped up my head. It was as if there weren’t any people on stage, and the actual animals in “Lion King” were acting on stage. It was cool!

-Will Girls’ Generation members come to watch your show?

Yes!! Because my members know me the best aside from myself… I hope they come and watch and tell me things I lack in. And, because the theater itself is really fun and is a style that my colleagues will like, I hope they come and have fun watching and enjoying it.

-Were there any difficulties you encountered juggling Girls’ Generation activities and musical practice?

I want to practice some more, but schedules are important too… It feels like I’ve been chasing after five or six rabbits at the same time, so I’ve been feeling worried. I don’t want to lack in anything. I wish there were 36 hours in a day.

-Do you have any stress relieving methods?

Chat a lot! When I meet with my members, we talk a lot. After we do, a lot of my stress is relieved (laughs).

- Kyuhyun, Key, and Dana are members of the same management company as you, and they are all appearing in this musical. How is it working with them?

I’m usually really shy. I was worried that I’d be too nervous making my first attempt at a new genre of musicals with people I’m seeing for the first time, but it was a relief that there are members from the same company. They take care of me well, so it’s really nice.

-Uhm Kijoon, Kyuhyun, Kim Junghoon, Key and Park Gwanghyun will all be playing the role of Frank. Which person is the most charming?

All five of them have different charms… They’re all really charming!!! It’s to the point where it’s a waste that I only know of their charms. I think it’d be okay for people watching the show to compare the charms of every different Frank.

-You’re playing the same role as your company senior, Dana. Is there any charm or appeal that Brenda carries while being played by you and when played by her?

Dana unnie has more experience in musicals, so she’s a lot better. And Choi Woori unnie is like Brenda herself. Although different, they both seem much like Brenda, and are cute and lovable. Because it’s my first time in a musical, I think I will be a frivolous, naive Brenda, and that people won’t know what I do next. I learned a lot watching the unnies, and so I’m both thankful and sorry (laughs).

-What do you want the audience to feel from “Catch Me If You Can”?

That you have to treasure what you have, and not the things you don’t have? That a light truth is more beautiful than a great lie or any form of exaggeration. Because what’s felt from watching the same show will be different for everyone. It is a show that leaves something deep in your heart, whatever it is, they will feel something.

-Do you have any plans of taking part in a musical again in the future?

Honestly, I was afraid of musicals until recently, but I think I’m gaining a little more confidence after meeting nice staff and stars for the project. Now, if given the chance, I want to attempt more diverse roles. Any role. Of course, if there is something similar between the character and myself, it would make things less difficult.

-Is there anything you want to say to fans, such as future plans or resolutions?

Because a musical is a new area I’m attempting at, I’m both nervous and excited. Still, because of a lot of support and encouragement from fans, I think I’m slowly gaining confidence. I will prepare harder and show a really good appearance, so I hope a lot of you come and enjoy it together. Please look forward to “Catch Me If You Can” and me playing the role of Brenda.

Sources: cnbnews
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified, taengbear@soshified
Edited by: LetsGo@soshified, bhost909@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified

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‘Love Rain’ Reveals a Profile and Diary Entry of Yoona’s Character

'Love Rain' Reveals a Profile and Diary Entry of Yoona's Character


After being absent for more than two years from Korea’s drama scene, Girls’ Generation’s Yoona will soon be making her return to the small screen in “Love Rain”, a beautiful romance drama. Yoona has been presented with a new challenge in the drama, playing both Kim Yoonhee from the 1970s and her daughter Jung Hana in the present day. To promote the drama, the producers of “Love Rain” have recently opened an official home page and released a smartphone application for Android phones, where users can find character profiles, a fan board, and photos. Both the website and the smartphone application feature Korean, English and Japanese, allowing fans to easily navigate through the content. The official website for “Love Rain” can be found here, while the smartphone application can be downloaded from the Android Market here.

The website and smartphone application currently contain a character profile and diary entry from Kim Yoonhee.

Yoonhee’s Character Profile:

The beginning of an ardent first love, 70′s Kim Yoonhee:

The beginning of an ardent first love, 1970′s Kim Yoonhee: female, 21 years old, Korean University home economics major.

The innocent Yoonhee, with her long hair waving in the wind, looks like she is a daughter in a rich family. However, in reality, she was very lonely growing up with her grandmother after losing both of her parents, who tried to save her from a bus accident.

She is studying very persistently to earn scholarships in college and performing various part-time jobs to afford college and living expenses. Her classmates insult her by saying that she is uncooperative and selfish, but Yoonhee does not have time to deal with them.

Yoonhee’s one and only friend is her diary. Out of loneliness, she wrote her thoughts in her diary. She wrote about her childhood years, about her parents, what she liked, everything.

She thought that no one would understand her in any way. But the man she met on one of those days when the autumn leaves are falling down was different. The man, who approached her as if he was reading her mind, grabbed her attention.

That was Yoonhee’s first love.

Yoonhee’s Diary Entry:

What will you mean to me?

by Yoonhee

“Love does not say sorry.”

This is a line from the movie “Love Story” that my parents liked. But I still don’t understand what it means. I read it over and over again, repeated the line over again, but it still confuses me.

My parents died while protecting me during a bus accident. The life with my grandmother after my parents passed away was very lonely, but I had to endure. I couldn’t worry my grandmother, who even sold our family gravesite for my tuition.

I encourage myself when I’m lonely by writing in a diary, but sometimes even diaries cannot embrace my loneliness. At those times, like the lead characters of the movie my parents liked so much, I want to meet someone to love just like how my parents loved each other.

He came along when I was feeling like that. The person that I could only write about in my diary and the person that really understood me became a reality.

The man who accidentally bumped into me one Autumn day, when the leaves are falling, is he a person who can explain what “Love does not say sorry” means?

“Love Rain” will air its first episode tonight at 9:55 KST.

Sources: Android Market,, Love Rain
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Contributor: minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at Follow us on Twitter: for the latest on Girls' Generation.

The Weekly Soshi News Wrap

The Weekly Soshi News Wrap


Posted Image


Girls’ Generation’s Official YouTube Channel Releases a Video Recapping Girls’ Generation’s Stay in New York

Girls’ Generation’s official YouTube channel released a video titled “Girls’ Generation Takes New York”. The video recaps Girls’ Generation’s visit to New York City and shows several of the websites which reported on the girls and their performances on American TV. SONEs who went to New York to see Girls’ Generation were also featured giving them a shout out on camera. It seems Girls’ Generation’s popularity in the United States is definitely on the rise.

Yoona Discusses Her Kiss Scene with Jang Geunsuk

At the recent “Love Rain” press conference on March 22nd, Yoona talked about her kiss scene with Jang Geunsuk. Yoona was asked, “Were you burdened about the kiss scene with Jang Geunsuk because of his fans?” Since the two of them haven’t kissed yet, save for a scene with a light peck, Yoona revealed that it was a little scary when she thought about it. However, she concluded her answer with a witty response, saying that she has her own fans as well. At the end of the clip, Yoona sends a message to both fans of Girls’ Generation and fans of Jang Geunsuk, hoping that they won’t take their acting out of context and create misunderstandings.

SM Entertainment Releases a Second Teaser for “I Am”

Another teaser for the movie “I Am” has been released, showing more behind-the-scenes footage of SM Entertainment artists performing at SMTown New York. The video reveals the interactions between the different groups and also within each group as well. The movie is set to be released in May this year.


The Lotte Department Store has released Girls’ Generation’s new endorsement photo for the chain’s Pyeong-chon store. The advertisement features the members of Girls’ Generation and the word “open”, emphasizing the store’s upcoming grand opening on March 29th.


Girls’ Generation Diary Application Released on iTunes

Girls’ Generation has released a diary application entitled “2012 Girls’ Generation Diary”. In addition to a calendar in which users can write journal entries and reminders, the application also features a gallery with photos, videos from the SMTown YouTube channel, and a special page where photos can be unlocked by completing certain tasks, such as using the app for three days in a row. The application is now available for iPhone users and can be purchased here.

Taeyeon and Yuri Answer UFO Messages

Part two of Taeyeon’s UFO replies from March 15th and two replies from Yuri can be found in Soshified’s Translated Goodies Section. Be sure to read Taeyeon’s answers to questions ranging from how to become closer with roommates to her thoughts on the music video for “Time Machine”, as well as Yuri’s responses to messages about “Fashion King”.

“Fashion King” Staff Diary Message Posted on Girls’ Generation’s Website and “W Korea” Photos Released on Girls’ Generation’s Official Facebook Page

The staff of Girls’ Generation’s official website posted a message about Yuri’s appearance in the drama “Fashion King”. The message says, “Hello. ^_^ The hot issue drama with Girls’ Generation’s Yuri has started this week. You guys are all watching it live right? For our fans always cheering us on, today I shall include photos from W Korea’s photoshoot of the filming of ‘Fashion King’ in New York.  The awesome pictures will be available in W Korea’s April edition. Please look forward to ‘Fashion King’ next week and cheer for Yuri, who is acting as ‘Choi Anna’.” You can view the original message and the pictures posted here. Photos from the fashion shoot were also posted on Girls’ Generation’s official Facebook page. You can check out these pictures in Soshified’s Photos Section.

Yuri’s English-Speaking Skills a Popular Topic with Netizens

Yuri’s fluent English during the second episode of SBS’s “Fashion King”  has garnered much attention among netizens. Yuri plays the role of Choi Anna, a fashion designer in New York, and thus is expected to be able to speak English fluently. In the episode, Yuri lives up to her expectations and stuns viewers when she easily speaks with foreigners. You can download Yuri’s cut from the second episode of “Fashion King” here.

Girls’ Generation to Perform at 2012 Dream Concert

Girls’ Generation will be performing at the 2012 Dream Concert held in Seoul this year. The concert, scheduled to be held on May 12th, will include performances by labelmates TVXQ and f(x) as well. The venue of the concert is the Seoul World Cup Stadium, and the concert will begin at 6:30PM.

Girls’ Generation Featured in Sin Chew Daily

Following their recent performance in Malaysia for the “Twin Towers @Live 2012 in Malaysia”, Girls’ Generation was featured in the “Sin Chew Daily”, a newspaper based in Malaysia with a daily circulation of roughly 400,000 copies. You can read about Girls’ Generation’s performance at “Twin Towers @Live 2012 in Malaysia” here.

Jessica and Krystal Featured in “My Paper”

Jessica and her sister Krystal from f(x) were recently featured in “My Paper”, a newspaper based in Singapore. The article discusses the relationship between the siblings in Korean entertainment and mentions how Jessica frequently gave Krystal advice when she first debuted. The article also brings up an incident where Krystal brought Jessica a glass of water as she was practicing her lines for “Wild Romance”.


Sooyoung and Soojin Take a Selca Together at Shinhwa’s Concert

Choi Sooyoung and her elder sister, Choi Soojin, attended Shinhwa’s concert, where they took a selca with their tickets. Besides Sooyoung and Soojin, Sooyoung’s fellow members Taeyeon, Tiffany and Hyoyeon also attended the concert. Aren’t the sisters just gorgeous?

New Sets of Pictures

Fashion King - Yuri1, Yuri2, Yuri3, Yuri4, Yuri5, Yuri6, Yuri7, Yuri8, Yuri9

SONE Picture/Video of the Week

Though K-Pop and orchestras seem like a strange combination, orchestral versions of K-Pop songs have proven to be very popular. This week’s video features an orchestral rendition of Girls’ Generation’s runaway hit “Gee”.

If you have any pictures or videos you’d like to submit for SONE Picture/Video of the Week, please feel free to do so by sending them to the Soshified Writing Team at or posting at the official SONE Picture/Video of the Week thread

Sources: Soshified’s Photo Section, iTunes Store, GIRLSGENERATION@youtube.comGirls’Generation.smtown, Asiatoday, Girls’ Generation Official Facebook,,,,,
Written by: LetsGo@soshified, SeraphKY@soshified, Litney@soshified, bethlyhem.@soshified, letaengbutt@soshified, NeonCyro@soshified
Contributors: minigiglo@soshified, dongie@soshified, taengsoshi@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified, residentbenchwarmer@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at Follow us on Twitter: for the latest on Girls' Generation.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yuri Brightens the Mood at a ‘Fashion King’ Filming

Yuri Brightens the Mood at a 'Fashion King' Filming


Various pictures of Yuri acting out a playful refrigerator CF are making the rounds. Yuri recently took on the role of  fashion designer “Choi Anna” in the SBS drama “Fashion King”.

Recently, during a filming for “Fashion King” held at a building in Seoul, Yuri was filming a scene in which she was to take a drink out of a refrigerator. When she was given a break, her playful side appeared, and she acted out a refrigerator CF for the staff members who were tired from their work on the drama.

When the staff members saw Yuri’s playful CF, they reacted by saying, “As expected, Yuri is pretty doing anything,” and, “She’ll get a refrigerator CF contract soon.”

After making her first appearance on the second episode of “Fashion King” in a scene where she met her ex-boyfriend, Yuri left a strong impression with only three minutes of screentime and made a successful drama debut.

Yuri also broke the hearts of many male fans when she was shown in a kiss scene with Jaehyuk (played by actor Lee Jehoon) in the preview of the third episode, which will air on March 26th.

Source: Newsen via Daum
Translated by: minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: bhost909@soshified, residentbenchwarmer@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
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Friday, March 23, 2012

Yoona Attends Press Conference for ‘Love Rain’

Yoona Attends Press Conference for 'Love Rain'


On March 22nd, several cast and staff members from “Love Rain”, including Girls’ Generation’s Yoona, attended a press conference to commemorate the upcoming premiere of the drama. At the press conference, Yoona, who plays both Kim Yoonhee from the 1970s and Jung Hana from the present day, revealed, “I was a bit burdened and a bit nervous at the beginning for having to play two roles, but the director led me well and the other actors helped me a lot, so I was able to successfully act out my scenes.” Yoona also said, “I feel that this drama is very close to me, because I haven’t acted in a drama in two years. I really want to show to the viewers what I can do. I’ll work hard for the rest of the drama shoot.”

When asked about her first impression of Jang Geunsuk, the male lead in “Love Rain”, Yoona answered, “Even though I haven’t done much acting, all the male leads I’ve worked with have had a large age difference with me, so they were all very nice to me and took care of me very well. This was my first time acting with a male lead who was around my age. When I first saw him, I thought he looked very chic and cold, so I was worried that he might treat me with the same coldness that I saw in his physical appearance. However, since the first time we met until now, he never showed me such coldness, but instead treated me very well and actually lightened the mood at the drama shoots.” Yoona also showed how grateful she was to act with Jang Geunsuk, saying, “I am really thankful for such a kind oppa, and I’m happy that I got to meet him. I think that he’s an oppa who is well matched with a bright smile.”

Yoona also gave her thoughts on the fact that both “Love Rain” and “Fashion King”, a drama in which Girls’ Generation’s Yuri is starring in, air during the same time slot on the same day. She said, “Even though our dramas air at the same time, it doesn’t mean that we’re competitors. We monitor each other and ask about each others’ dramas. I hope that with this opportunity, unnie will have an easier path as an actress.” She also added, “Yuri unnie is a very passionate person, and she tries hard with everything she does, so I think that she’ll do well in this drama.”

Many of the other actors and actresses in the drama were also interviewed during the press conference. Jang Geunsuk was later asked about who his favorite member of Girls’ Generation was. He then pointed at Yoona and said, “Of course I like Yuri.” (Translator’s note: he spoke as if going to say “Yoona”.) Jang Geunsuk then said to Yoona, “I heard there is an actor you personally like,” to which she responded with “Jang Geunsuk”. He replied, “I also like Girls’ Generation’s Lee Sooman.” (Translator’s note: he gave a random answer as a joke.) Jang Geunsuk eventually stopped joking around, and said, “I love Girls’ Generation. I found an actress in front of a camera instead of a singer on top of a stage. I’m actually learning a lot these days from teacher Yoona.”

Actress Lee Misook, who plays Kim Yoonhee during the present day, said, “I’m thankful that Yoona is acting as my 70′s lifestyle very well. I too am observing Yoona in order to act out her lifestyle.” She added, “She’s very calm, ladylike, never raises her voice, and hides her emotions very well. Because I’ve been imitating how she behaves, a doctor I visited a few days ago for acupuncture said I have symptoms of an emotional disorder caused by stress and gave me a few acupuncture needles on my chest.”

During the conclusion of the press conference, Yoona finished by saying, “I hope that you’ll like our drama because we really worked hard and we will continue working hard. I also hope that you’ll recharge your emotions with ‘Love Rain’”.

Anticipation for “Love Rain” has been building since November of last year with the release of several previews and teaser images. The drama’s first episode will air next week, March 26th.

Check out videos of Yoona’s appearance at the “Love Rain” press conference below. News and fantaken images from the event can also be found in Soshified’s Photos Section.


Sources: MyDaily, Newsen, NowNewsTV, SBS CNBC, XportsNews, XportsNews,
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Contributor: minigiglo@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

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