Welcome to the final edition of Soshified Spotlight for the year 2011. Just like every other month, we’re once again highlighting a regular member in Part 1, and a Soshified staff member in Part 2. This month, we’re ending the year with two Soshified members who have up until had a reputation as being mysterious: Clarity~ and unknowntoyou. Unknowntoyou’s profile will be coming at a later date. For the time being, let’s get to know Clarity~, or Jc, as she likes to be known as. Though she is a notable fanfic writer at Soshified, not many people knew anything about her, and assumed it was because she wanted to remain that way. However, Jc was more than willing to let us take a look into her life in Malaysia, her interest in Asian dramas, her love of food, and of course her writing process. —– What is your first name? Jc will do just as fine How did you find out about Soshified and why did you decide to join? The awesome Pinksubs definitely. Need I say more? Okay to be honest , I'm one of those people that was getting my 50 posts to access the soshi subs area *guilty as charged* but really, that thought was just temporary…Soshified has this little charm going on within that just keeps pulling you back! And…here I am,again! How did you come up with your screen name? Ohh this isn't my original screen name. I changed it, for the fun of it. No specific reason. Where are you originally from, and where do you currently reside (city and country for both)? I'm stuck in a country named Malaysia. Rings any bell? Well , its somewhere near Singapore if that helps. Lol..am from Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur (KL). Stuck in Malaysia? Haha, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Good thing of course! I love my country because of the food! lol we’ve vast variety of local delicacies due to the different cultures/races here. I really do think that the local delicacies here are one of the main tourist attraction .lol now I sound like a glutton ! If we were visiting you where you live for one day, where would you take us? Why are these places so significant? Considering Kuala Lumpur's the capital city of Malaysia , it's most definitely the Petronas Twin Towers – The heart of KL. Seeing that it's an iconic building, with awesome surroundings and a good mix of greens around it.  Kuala Lumpur's famous Petronas Towers. Tell us a little about your life. What do you do full time and in your free time? I'm a boring person. Seriously. I'm actually working in an advertising agency as a multimedia designer . Yep, I've recently graduated in multimedia design and I burn the midnight oil almost every day when I was back in the university. During my free time, I write? That's if the ideas are flowing but when I'm experiencing the typical writer's block I catch up on my Kdramas . As long as Lee Min Ho/ Lee Min Jung is in it , the drama is definitely in my drive . I enjoy watching all sorts of Korean variety shows as well , and the benefit of being a Malaysian ? I catch up on the Hong Kong series , Taiwanese series and also the Singaporean series since I'm multilingual So basically I have no free time. hahaha What's the most interesting thing about you and/or that has ever happened to you? Ask me this question after the 9th of December 2011. Yes , that's right. I'm flying to Singapore to catch the girl’s concert and I can't wait to see them live! One of my biggest dreams will come true!! For people who are first meeting you (like most of us), how would you describe yourself? Shy. Hahaha. I'm socially-challenged. I tend to be reaaaally awkward during my first meeting with people . But it's all cool after a few meeting ..when I'm comfortable enough, I'm definitely one of a chatterbox. When I start talking, you'll regret. Tell us some things that most people don't know about you that you think they should. I'm a female. ( Many readers thought I was of the opposite sex previously ..I have no idea why..) Is there anything big in your life that you're working on? (This can be related to school, career, hobbies, family,friends, etc.) I'm working to find my goals in life. Is that big enough? Lol I'm pretty much a lost sheep wandering around. What are your interests outside of Girls' Generation? I'm into classical music..jazz…blues..whatever you call it. I have quite a number of Kenny G cds . It helps me to keep the stress level down and when I'm emotionally unstable. I know right? One minute it's all jazzy and the next minute it goes 'Gee gee gee gee Baby baby baby!' How did you first become a fan of Girls' Generation? Ahh…Honestly..I'm a fellow Kamilia. I first knew KARA through a friend. Then, I was going through all the variety shows KARA appeared and I came across MBC's Chuseok Special Sweet Girl ,that's when I was introduced to Girls' Generation. Eventually I was lure into the fandom through Yuri's & Sunny's appearance in Invincible Youth . Who is your favorite member and why? The 9 of them messes with my bias list all the time. They are all taking turns to be the top . But Jung Jessica is bias as of now. There's really no reason behind it. I mean all the girls are equally charming..but the ice princess has somewhat lured me in. I guess..I'm in love with her spacing out all the time. It amazes me how she's always not amused… And recently , her sense of humor is of top notch. Not to mention her artistic skills..oh sunny. I feel for you. Hahaha am kidding. Sunny must be proud of the ice princess's drawing considering her span of attention is like..what? 3 seconds? Just exactly like the goldfishes memory. What is your favorite Girls' Generation song and MV and why? Gosh. This is a hard question..I mean I love all their songs! Rephrasing the question – the song that left me with the deepest impression would be Dear Mom. Fell in love with it in an instant . The other would be Genie because that's the first MV that actually made me part of the fandom. ( Ohhh Taeyeon's forehead..) What about “Dear Mom” made you fall in love with it? Just by the title itself I knew ‘this is it!this is that song’, you get what I’m trying to say? hahaha.. so I went on to search for the english translations and in a way, I could relate myself to it…which I think almost everybody can. The lyrics..is just beautiful and I can cry buckets of tear watching the girls perform this particular song.It’s so emotionally engaging.. I think I tend to love songs which I can relate to in life. What is your favorite Girls' Generation moment and why? Will I get bricked if I say my favorite moment is my OTP's moments? All those moment of Girls' Generation on stage performing , receiving awards , airport fancams of all nine of them are precious. But..I'm in love with my OTP How has Girls’ Generation impacted your life, in specific areas or even as a whole? I guess the general ones would be ..gaining the knowledge of the Korean culture ..loving pink subconsciously…eating more variety of Korean food…etcetc ( I honestly used to dislike Kimchi because of it's strong taste when I first tried it in Korea..but now..I love it!) The biggest impact would be me, attending Korean language classes part-time. Just the beginner's level What do you like most about Soshified, and why? Any section in particular you’re attracted to? I love Soshified as a whole! It's awesome that we get to meet different people from all over the globe united in one forum , spazzing like there's no tomorrow , sharing a common interest in Girls' Generation. The section I'm attracted to? Pretty obvious,no? I spend most of my time in the fanfic section and I lurk around the soshi pairings thread just cause I believe my OTPs are real! …okay, that's one thing bad about fanfics..they…brainwash you. Let's not forget the SoshiSubs! The subbers deserve the recognition You’ve been characterized as a witty fanfic writer here at Soshified. Is the wit deliberate, or does it come out naturally? Witty? really? hahaha I would be lying if I say I don’t put much thoughts to them. Of course , it goes through countless times of proof reading before it’s settled down . But often there are times, certain pun/humor are unintended and it’s good to know that readers are enjoying it without me realizing… It’s like different people have different sense of humor ..so yeah…you get my point..lol What is your favorite fanfic that you’ve written? Why so? Ahh this is going to make it seem like a shameless plug.. but I think all writers love all their works equally. Every piece goes through countless thoughts and effort .. the good and the bad , it’s still written by me. Anyway, I think this question should be directed to the readers instead . I wouldn’t really have a favorite considering I still have quite a few on-goings pending. Blame my workload that I’ve been delaying my updates Is there anything else about you that you would like to add? Nothing much right now . A big thanks to my nominators ? I hope this works as a bridge to allows us to be a step closer ..and it goes out to all my readers out there as well. Thanks for all the endless support/love you guys poured to me . I feel the love :') ! Now, I'm no longer that mysterious am I? lol Let's all be friends and get to know each other better I'll be more than happy to have another friend to spazz with! Cheers! Haha, why would people think that you were mysterious in the first place and that you liked it that way? I’ve absolutely no idea ! Tell me why , people! lol , I have no intention of being mysterious until I was told I am. I do enjoy the little mysterious vibe I give to people but really.. if they asked , I would’ve answered without obligations. Well that’s if you guys don’t track me down and burn my house just because I’m giving your OTP a hard time in my fic . —– Huge thanks goes out to Jc for participating in Soshified Spotlight this month. As usual, you can submit nominations for future Soshified Spotlights if you’d like to participate or if you’d like to get to know a fellow member better. Instructions on how to do so can be viewed at the Soshified Spotlight Solicitation announcement. Compiled by: residentbenchwarmer@soshified.com Graphic by: cioco@soshified.com Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? E-mail us at tip@soshified.com. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/soshified for the latest on Girls’ Generation. |