ファンサイトのみんなさん元気ですか~!? ユナです! 最近わたしは空の写真を撮るのが好きで、自分のモバイルフォンにたっ~くさんコレクションしてます。 How is everyone from the fansite~!? This is Yoona! Lately I’ve really liked taking pictures of the sky, so I collected a TON~ of pictures on my phone. これは韓国のソウルで撮った空。 This is a photo of the sky in Korea’s Seoul. これはJAPANツアーの時に撮影したの大阪の空。 とっても綺麗ですよね~♪ まだまだ色々写真あるので、またUPします~ This is a photo of Osaka’s sky which was photographed during the Japan Tour. It’s really pretty right?~♪ I still have a lot of pictures, so I’ll upload them later~ For a mobile phone, Yoona takes pretty good pictures. I want to see more, anyone with me? Source: risse9@twitter.com Translated by: SeraphKY@soshified.com Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified.com Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? E-mail us at tip@soshified.com. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/soshified for the latest on Girls' Generation. |