Monday, February 21, 2011

[02.21.11] Girls' Generation films their first CM in Japan

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Girls' Generation films their first CM in Japan; "We want to do a nation-wide Japan tour this year"

The 9 member Korean girl group, Girls' Generation, appeared at "UHA Mikakutou e-ma throat candy(cough drop)" new CM launch event held in Tokyo on the 21st. They have appeared in their music video CMs aired in the past, but this time, it will be their first CM recorded in Japan. Leader Taeyeon commented with a smile, "I feel really honored and it will be a good experience for us." Yuri boldly spoke of their aspirations for this year, "I'm the happiest when standing on stage together with everybody. We seriously want to do a nation-wide Japan tour this year. We also want to meet our fans from all over the world."

In the new CM, "Girls' Dinner," the 9 members were dressed in European style clothing and it is as if the camera is moving within a picture and pressed ahead taking an one-shot while each of the members posed standing still. They also took a challenge in speaking Japanese for the narration. Looking back at the filming, Yoona said with satisfaction, "Being surrounded with a pretty set, we were able to film feeling really good." Despite the rigorous conditions that comes with filming standing still for a long period of time, "the one-shot was our first experience and we couldn't move our hands or blink, but it was fun," (Hyoyeon) and the new experience felt fresh.

Sooyoung, who had a change of heart since her first visit to Japan, said with a big smile, "At first I was a little worried, but all the fans are caring and now I've gotten used to it and now it has become fun. I look forward to meals in Japan and I ate soba (Japanse buckwheat noodles), Japanese beef, and toro (fatty tuna) sushi with the members yesterday." Because of their extremely busy schedule in Japan, they don't often have off days, Seohyun wished, "We all have gone to Disney Sea on an off day we had and it was a fun time. I want to try going to an onsen (hot spring) next."

Girls' Generation new CM, "Girls' Dinner," will start airing nation-wide from Feburary 26th.

Translator note: CM = Commercial

Edit: It's Disney Sea instead of Disneyland.

Source: Yahoo Japan

Random note: Throat candy = cough drop, but from personal experience, they taste more like candy than medicine in Japan.

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