Friday, December 31, 2010

[12.31.10] SNSD; callused feet and a total wreck

To SNSD, 2010 was just spectacular. The name 'Girls' Generation' is not just a girl group's name, but a trend now. It is a waste of time talking about fashion and cultural trends without mentioning them. Their popularity already went across the border long ago. After a month and a half of their debut in Japan, they took over the Oricon chart in their first attempt and are now going back and forth like it's their home.

SNSD has also shown their great power in Korea, winning the 'Disk Daesang' at the 2010 Golden Disk Awards, and also won the best awards at the Melon Awards and at KBS Gayo Dae Chukjae. Like they've shouted early in their debut, right now definitely is Girls' Generation. "This year has been the happiest, but now we feel great responsibility and pressure with the name, SNSD. We worry about how great we need to be to stay where we are today. We looked back at the happy times of 2010 with the girls and listened to their New Year wishes.

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-Did you guys have an after party after winning the Golden Disk Daesang?

"We couldn't do anything big because we were busy. We ate pork belly at a barbecue restaurant and talked about this and that. We were happy that we won the award, but the pressure became bigger as well. We thought about why we are loved. We recently feel that it is so much harder to stay where we are, and because we're SNSD, we can't just do anything; the only way is to show great performances that fit our name." (Taeyeon)

-Tiffany wasn't at the scene due to the leg injury? Did you watch it on TV by yourself?

"After hearing "Daesang: SNSD", I cried by myself screaming like crazy. Before the members left to go to the award ceremony, I joked, 'You guys better bring back a good award'. I was just about to go buy some snacks outside just in case they didn't receive any awards and come back home sad. As soon as they received Daesang, I texted 'daebak*' to the members. As I was screaming, I was amused that I was sitting at home watching it on TV and not on that stage." (Tiffany)

-When someone's at the top, they always say that they'll never lose how they felt in the beginning. What about SNSD?

"We always think of our trainee days. Before the 'Into the New World' debut, we brought sleeping bags to our practice room because the time going from the dorm to practice was too precious. We should never forget that nervousness." (Taeyeon)

-After winning the Golden Disk Daesang, the picture of Super Junior's Siwon hugging Sooyoung - who was crying - caught people's attention. What were the members' reactions?

"Everyone was enjoying the moment. Sooyoung took a screenshot of 'Siwon Sooyoung scandal' on the search engine and said 'I'm honored that I have a scandal with Siwon oppa'. We were disappointed that it wasn't real, but the members jokingly congratulated her." (Hyoyeon)

"After Golden Disk, I met Siwon oppa at Music Bank's waiting room and thanked him. Maybe it's due to my easy-going personality; I never have scandals with male celebrities. Isn't that sad? So I was thankful that I had a scandal with such a great guy. Haha." (Sooyoung)

-In 2010, SNSD has achieved so many things. It was a splendid year for SNSD, but what about each individual member? What was something happy and rewarding that each of you did?

"I bought my parents a house. We moved into an apartment in Incheon which is so much better than our old house. I felt proud." (Hyoyeon)

"I bought a bag that I've had my eyes on for a while. It's not the most expensive, but it's a bag that's not released in Korea yet. I ordered online, but didn't receive it yet. I'm excited. It's a present to myself for working hard this year." (Sooyoung)

"Members and the staff went to Phuket for vacation and photobook filming. We went swimming by ourselves at night and had fun. We weren't expecting much, but we were happy to have some quality time together. People might consider it trivial, but to celebrities like us, something like that is a great happiness." (Taeyeon)

"I also have fond memories of trivial happiness. During this year's World Cup, the members were in all red and cheered for our team. It was really fun." (Sunny)

"I was happy going to school as a student. Although I've never had blind dates or MTs**, I never knew eating with friends and walking through the campus would become such a happy memory. I've done weird body acting in front of my friends during acting class as well." (Yuri)

"I bought my parents a car. 80% was paid by me, and my sister Krystal paid 20% of it as well." (Jessica)

-What about something that you haven't done in 2010 that you want to do next year?

"My older brother went to the military as an active-duty soldier, but I was never able to go see him. After the firing at Yeonpyung, there have always been emergency situations so he can't have vacations either. I feel sorry that I couldn't be warm towards him. All I did for him was send 15 autographs. I hope the situation gets better so I can see my brother soon." (Taeyeon)

"I didn't have the chance to spend much time with my family. I want to enjoy relaxation at the new apartment." (Hyoyeon)

"I want to go back to school... but I'm still not sure about going back next year." (Sooyoung)

"Being healthy is definitely my biggest wish. I got a cast three times this year. I hurt my wrist while filming Dream Team, hurt my ankle while getting ready for the concert. This time, the ligament on my knee was torn. I poured in everything preparing for the 'Hoot' album, but I was disappointed in myself for making all the effort come to nothing.

On the other hand, I really wanted to go back on stage, so it was a chance for me to realize the importance of my work. When I was discouraged, the members told me, "When you get on stage after a while, your eyes will pour out passion" and comforted me. The fans also said SNSD has to have 9 members no matter what, and gave us their love. I was touched by their love. While I was injured, I studied Japanese as well. I was scolded so many times by Sooyoung for not being able to speak, but now I get complimented." (Tiffany)

-You guys said you felt great responsibility with the name SNSD. SNSD has to constantly stay beautiful. How does it feel being a member?

"It's a great happiness, but there is minor discomfort. I feel bad for my nails, toenails, hair, feet, etc because they have no time to rest since they always have to be pretty. Nails get chipped and hair is rough due to repeated bleaching and dyeing. Also, our feet are now really ugly because we have to dance in high heels. We have so many calluses and our toes are bent." (Jessica)

-It's already been 4 years after your debut since 2007. Aren't you guys more of a 'lady' than a 'girl'? When do you think you'll be embarrassed of having the name 'Girls' Generation'?

"What's so embarrassing about it? We were embarrassed during our debut. Back then, foreign names were a trend, so the word So Nyuh Shi Dae felt very tacky. However, when our fans shout 'SNSD' these days, we have pride in the name. We think that we came this far due to our name, so we considered our company employees as geniuses.

Even when we're in our 50s, we will never be embarrassed of our name. I think we'll feel honored. We joke around sometimes saying that when we have our own kids, we should babysit one another's kids and perform. We probably can't be holding lollipops like Kissing You days, but I think we'll be doing music that fits our age. We want to show everyone us growing up and becoming mature." (Tiffany)

-What did you guys do for Christmas?

We watched 'Secret Garden'. We are all aching for Joowon and Oska. From 9:30 PM, everyone gathers and waits for the drama to start. I called Sanghyun oppa and told him that HyunBin was amazing, and he was hurt. After the episode that aired on the 25th, I told him that Oska was really amazing, and he replied, 'Yeah, you have to cheer on Oska as well so that I can work harder.'" (Yoona)

-Tell each other what you want to see from them.

"I hope Sooyoung will fall in love. When someone dates, their expressiveness gets better. I want to see the deep 'feeling' in Sooyoung's dance and singing." (Jessica)

"I hope Sunny would take care of herself. She has no interest in cosmetics. I want her to pay attention to what she wears and wear some lipstick as well." (Sooyoung)

"I hope Tiffany would stop injuring herself. She keeps getting hurt when I'm with her or when she's in front of me. I always get scared and sad." (Sunny)

"I hope Hyoyeon will release her talent for variety programs next year. She's really funny, but she doesn't get noticed on air. I hope she takes over the variety shows." (Tiffany)

"I wish Jessica would hang out with us more. Jessica is really sociable and outgoing so she has many friends. Sometimes I say 'long time no see' when I see her. Haha. I want to see her more next year." (Hyoyeon)

"I hope our youngest, Seohyun, would really date Jung Yonghwa. Is that really abrupt? YongSeo couple looks good together. I have no worries about Seohyun dating since she's really thorough in her work, so she'll have no problem with our activities." (Taeyeon)

"I wish Yoona would become a woman of her age next year. She keeps getting younger. I want to see a more womanly Yoona." (Yuri)

"Our youngest Seohyun is getting more stubborn. Haha. I wish she would listen to us more." (Yoona)

"I hope our eldest Taeyeon unnie will be healthy. She gets exhausted taking care of us as a leader. Health is the greatest thing." (Seohyun)

-Lastly, what is SNSD's wish next year?

"World tour. I heard that we have fans in Europe as well. We had concerts in Asia and America, so we want to have a real world tour. Amazingly, whenever we said our wishes on interviews like this, it came true. During debut we said 'Right now, it's Girls' Generation' and last year, we said we wanted to have a solo concert, and it all came true. It might be too early to dream something like that, but it's better to dream bigger, isn't it?" (Yuri)

*daebak - along the lines of "best", etc.
** Membership Training - short welcoming vacation with fellow students and seniors

Credit: Daum

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