Thursday, August 30, 2012

Soshified Spotlight August 2012 Part 2: SNSDave

Soshified Spotlight August 2012 Part 2: SNSDave


Welcome to Part 2 of the August 2012 edition of Soshified Spotlight.

Just like every other month, we’re once again highlighting a regular member in Part 1, and a Soshified staff member in Part 2.

In Part 1, we featured kim_woon, or Kim, a computer programmer from Malaysia. In Part 2, we have SNSDave, or Dave, a paralegal from Los Angeles who has definitely delved headfirst into the community that is K-Pop, as he has met some of the biggest names in the genre. Outside of K-Pop, Dave has an eclectic variety of interests, including fashion (since he is a Stylist), music, English, photography, and his hair.


What is your first name?

I’m Dave, I will get you right….wait, I forgot I’m not in the TRAX anymore. Anyway, yeah, I’m Dave, or any variation of that name, pleasure to meet you!

How did you find out about Soshified and why did you decide to join?

I found out about the site July 2010, right after I heard about SM Town 2010 LA. I heard about a big site for SNSD, who at the time were the only K-pop group I was aware, and seeing the huge amount of info present, and friendly people, I thought it’d be a great place to be around.

How did you come up with your screen name?

I thought I’d mesh SNSD with my name, since they share the letter D, so I pretty much added it to the end, making SNSD, which I always explain stands for…Dave Generation. I know it doesn’t, but neither do a lot of things.

Where are you originally from, and where do you currently reside (city and country for both)?

I’m from Los Angeles California, in the United States, and I’m originally from…Los Angeles, California, in the United States. My parents are from Spain and the United Kingdom, so I got a nice mixture of European blood.

If we were visiting you where you live for one day, where would you take us? Why are these places so significant?

We’d definitely hit up Koreatown, the largest Korean-populated area in the US, if I’m not mistaken…what with 90% of the people on this site having interest in Korean media, and some going as far as sampling the delicacy and the culture, it’d be an ideal place…especially for those living in highly homogenous areas devoid of any Asian/Korean influence.

We’d also visit Hollywood because, c’mon, while it may not be the same as they picture it in the media, it’s freakin’ Hollywood!

This delicacy definitely requires some sampling.

Tell us a little about your life. What do you do full time and in your free time?

I like to think I like a fairly interesting life. Full-time, I’m a paralegal at a law firm, which means I’m responsible for prepping court cases and filing and documenting the numerous letters that lawyers typically get. It’s an interesting job, I learn something new everyday, and hey, in this economy, I’m happy to be working at the moment. I took a year of from college to get some money on the side, but I’ll be going back next year, attending the University of California, San Diego, majoring in Literature…which is slang for “English” there.

In my free time, I’m a photographer, musician, music teacher, hair model…let’s just say I try and make the most out of my free time. Heck, I’ve even had the pleasure to work at several K-pop events and interview several artists, including the Wonder Girls(Yenny like my hair and played with it, Brown Eyed Girls, Sistar, MBLAQ, B2ST, CN Blue(no, I didn’t ask about YongSeo), and others…granted it was broken English, and I suck at pronouncing their Korean names, but hey, how many people can say they’ve done that?

What concerts did you attend, and which artists did you get to interview? How did you get that gig?

After SM Town 2010 in LA, I had attended the LA Korean Festival, where thanks to a random offer on Facebook, managed to interview the Wonder Girls, who were performing at the event. A month afterwords, I interviewed JYJ on their US Showcase tour, and kinda just went from there. It’s great being able to actually talk and learn from the people who create the music you listen to, and I’ve never had an interview where things went sour or weren’t’ enjoyable.

What's the most interesting thing about you and/or that has ever happened to you?

Hmmm…forthcoming, I’ll be marching in the London New Year’s Parade, which I feel is something not everybody can say they’ve done. It’ll be my first time visiting my mother’s home country, and I’m very proud to be apart of the celebration.

How did you get to march in the London New Year’s parade?

My old high school marching band was recently invited by the Lord Mayor of Westminster to participate in the event, as well as be an invited guest at the New Year’s Ceremony. Though I’ve been out of high school for a few years, I continued to volunteer as an instructor for brass instruments. With the economic downturn, many students were unable to put up the money to go, and given my continued participation in the program, I was invited to further assist them by putting back on the old uniform and leading the band in it’s first performance out of the country.

For people who are first meeting you (like most of us), how would you describe yourself?

“THAT THING’S A DUDE!?!??” Honestly, though, I’m easy to spot in a crowd. At 5’10 and 115 pounds(178 cm’s and 53 kgs for you metric folk), and with a mane of curly brown hair, I resemble a gross between Slash and Joey Ramone…but with tighter jeans and a lack of drug usage. Just look at the hair.

Outside of appearance, I’m a pretty talkative guy, definitely the type to break the ice, and potentially my leg, to get the conversation going. I’ve got a good amount of friends as a testament to this, and I’m always eager to meet new people. Plus I don’t bite. Biting is bad.

I would not have known that thing’s a dude if you didn’t tell me.

Why did you decide to grow your hair so long? And which artist was it who liked your hair?

After a botched haircut when I was a Sophomore in high school, I decided to grow it out, and found out that I have long curls, which I grew to love & embrace. I regularly trimmed it, but let it grow long regardless, and soon got it to my current mid-back length. About 2 years ago, a good friend of mine passed away in an accident, and our last conversation, and something he’d always tell me was “Man dude, you have such awesome hair!” So as a tribute to him, I’ve been keeping it long ever since, and plan to keep it at a respectable length.

As for artists, the first one to really just be amazed by it was Yenny from the Wonder Girls, who blurted out when I walked in the interview tent that “I love your hair!” She proceeded to tug on a few curls and ask if it was a perm, which I informed her it wasn’t. Others who have enjoyed it have been JYJ’s Junsu, who compared it to Tiger JK’s, and B2ST’s Dongwoon, who said it reminded him of his time in the Philippines.

Tell us some things that most people don't know about you that you think they should.

Despite my lanky appearance, I’m in pretty good physical shape, and attempted to play college football. That did not go well, but I gave it a shot. In addition, the past 4 generations of my family have served in several branches of the United States military, and as such, I’m very proud to be a military brat, and have the utmost respect for those who serve their country, mandatory or voluntary.

Is there anything big in your life that you're working on? (This can be related to school, career, hobbies,family, friends, etc.)

I’ve actually always wanted to be a cryptozoologist, basically a scientist who studies the unknown life out there, such as Bigfoot, the Yeti, the bunyip, and the Loch Ness Monster. Something about seeking what’s not found, out in the wilderness, just really appeals to me. Who knows, maybe I’ll be the one to capture a creature and get to name. I’ll think of a good one, I swear.

What are your interests outside of Girls' Generation?

I’m a pretty keen photographer, though I admit to still being very new to process. I generally enjoy your typical American hobbies: watching TV, going out to bars, hanging out with friends, going to concerts. I’ve also played trombone for 10 years, and currently assistant teach part-time at my alma mater, so that’s something I’m definitely interested in keeping that up.

Dipping into music and K-pop, I’m a fan of hard rock and 70-80′s heavy metal, as well as jazz and classical, being trained in those areas for several years. K-pop wise, I enjoy the vast majority of SM artists except for f(x), and also enjoy artists such as Big Bang, 2NE1, B2ST, MBLAQ, g.o.d., Shinhwa and more.

How did you get into your various hobbies, and how do you balance them?

I’m a big free-spirit, so I just really tried to get out and try everything I could. I’ve been playing trombone since 5th grade, so it’s been roughly 10 years since I started, and it’s really just something I fell in love. I’m not the best, but I have fun, and it’s great to be able to share the joys of music with others, and being able to thoroughly analyze the sound of music.

Photography, well, I’ve taken pictures throughout life, and then a good friend of mine showed me how expensive dSLR’s were these days, and I just kinda jumped into it. I’ve never taken courses on it, nor have I considered myself good, but the sheer joy of just being able to compose and share shots with people, and the occasional compliment, makes it worth it.

How did you first become a fan of Girls' Generation?

In all honesty, a friend showed me a video at Disneyland, “Gee“, and basically said “Guys, check out these hot Asian chicks dancing in outfits! It’s freakin’ catchy.” I looked up more of them on YouTube, and one thing led to another, and I became a fan.

Who is your favorite member and why?

Jessica. She was the first member I could recognize out of all of them, and the first member I heard speak English, fluently, which surprised me. Her laidback attitude and funny way of presenting herself, as well as her high voice definitely won me over.

What is your favorite Girls' Generation song and MV and why?

I’m partially to “darker and edgier” over light and poppy, so “Run Devil Run” wins out for me. The outfits, the song, the hair color just all really clicked with me, and while I don’t consider it their best song, it’s by and away my favorite to come out of them. Plus, Jessica with blonde hair and black streaks. That’s a winner.

What is your favorite Girls' Generation moment and why?

I’m not a watcher of drama or variety, so my moment comes from their musical endeavors. Seeing them win the Disk Daesang in 2010/2011, less than a year after I became a fan, and seeing them cry over their success was definitely something else to witness, and they deserved it.

How has Girls’ Generation impacted your life, in specific areas or even as a whole?

Being apart of the fandom has definitely allowed me to make friends in almost every region on Earth, and has let me meet hundreds of fans in concert, be it on my home turf in Los Angeles, New York City, Las Vegas or San Francisco. Though I feel the media blows it out of proportion, K-pop is definitely far reaching, and in 2 years, I’ve made some great friends, had some great memories, and will have many more in the upcoming years. A few years ago, I’d never imagined going to NYC with people I’ve only known for a year. Last year, I did just that. And my only regret was not doing it sooner.

Could you tell us some of your stories about meeting Girls’ Generation members?

My fanaccount gives a general idea of what I think of them, but going in-depth a bit, it was all about just being “there”. I really can’t say I don’t favor a few members, because I do, and I admit to not paying very much attention to others, but when they are in-front of you, just walking by, saying hi, or shaking hands, it’s just a joy to see how polite they are. I know they have off days, I mean, who doesn’t, but in my experience, they’ve always been nice and courteous. Even Taeyeon and Yoona, both of whom were not in the best of shape during the NYC fanmeet, put on their game faces and showed the fans that “Right Now it’s Girls’ Generation”, no matter the circumstances.

I’d have to cite my hug with Tiffany as my favorite moment. Granted, it was an ordinary hug. But the fact that she went out of her way to do so, when I was really just doing my job and nothing more, showed how caring and thoughtful of a person she is. I’m thankful I have that moment to remember now, and god bless her for that.

What do you like most about Soshified, and why? Any section in particular you’re attracted to?

It’s got everything an SNSD fan could possibly want: subs, discussions, fanfics, games, photos, and a chance to donate to gifts and charities on behalf of a great organization. It lets you chat with people all over the world, all with different thoughts and opinions, and all(well, minus the trolls) fans of SNSD.

I’m partial to the Discussions sub-forum, since I see a lot of interesting things pop up there that I like to talk about, plus it’s got the Questions thread…which believe it or not, actually has questions.

I do my best to avoid the Pairing and Fanfic section though. Shippers scare the hell out of me.

Why did you decide to join the Soshified staff, and why the particular job you have now?

After about a year of being a member of the site, and seeing the positive contributions they were making for the fandom, I decided there was no better way to help out than to join the Staff. After some denied applications to other Staff groups, I was admitted to the Stylist group, courtesy of the wonderful SoshiStyle team. With my background knowledge of hair styling and moderate fashion knowledge, I felt I could be an asset to the team, who I love to be with. Especially cream, our team leader. If you’re reading this, cream,…I promise to do better, and we’ll get those Long Island iced teas someday. I’m sorry.

What exactly do you do? Do you enjoy this position? What do you like about it?

I’m a Hair Stylist, which means I do Hair Tutorials once a month, showcasing the variety of hairstyles SNSD wear, and as even casual fans can tell you…they have a LOT of hair styles. I almost wonder if their Stylists have to brainstorm before every event. “OK, WHAT DO WE DO KNOW…I KNOW, HYOYEON GET’S THE WEIRD ONE, WE ALL KNOW THAT.”

In addition, I review items SNSD uses and are seen with. Given their female nature, I typically stick to reviewing their various tech items, like their cellphones and cameras. Would be kinda odd for a guy to review a blouse or a tunic top. Though they do look comfortable…

What is your favorite project that you’ve ever been involved in?

The NYC fanmeet. I was asked to help out at the last minute…as in the night before in a hotel room, thanks to Soy, as a photographer. Seeing the faces of those hundreds of fans waiting in line, seeing the faces of the nine members as they were amused by our little slideshow, and just seeing a fandom bond together was really something else. The first fanmeet ever outside of Asia, and I’m happy to be apart of it. Even still have my Media/Press stickers from that event.

Dave’s work during the NYC Fanmeet.

Is there anything else about you that you would like to add?

I’d like to thank you for allowing me to talk a little bit about myself and keeping these spotlights going. They definitely help SONE’s learn more about other SONE’s, and that’s always a good thing.

I wouldn’t be here, or rather, stayed active in the forum without the help of a few SONE’s, so I’d like to go ahead and take care of some shout-outs…numerous in nature, actually, so not really “some”.

Big shoutout to the entire Soshified Staff here, for keeping everything rolling and making this the best forum I’ve been apart. To the Stylist, thanks for being so Stylish and helping me out in my numerous fashion questions…about feminine clothing of which I know not so much about, and helping me with tutorials. To the Writers, thanks for keeping everybody updated with the latest news, and for getting translated news out(with the help of the Subbers) so that folks that don’t understand Korean don’t have to rely on potentially skewed articles from other sites. GD’s, cream(and everything else you end up doing for me), rainca, Beth, thanks for always editing my photos, I know I had a lot, so you deserve one. Soy, thank you for founding this great site and keeping it fresh, and I will one day find that cookie I lost in your hotel room.

Moving on, SoCal is where it’s at, and there’s nothing better than hanging out with the SoCal SONE’s on one of our numerous meet-ups, and moreso, I’d have never imagined flying out to NYC with people I’ve known for less of a year, but with you guys, I felt like we’d known each other since the group debuted. Aidan, Pallie, Will, any one of the Andrews, Debora, Jake, Chris, Irene, Claraity, Cami, Dee, it wouldn’t be SoCal without you. SONE’s elsewhere in the US, we’ve met-up, and if we haven’t, let’s do so sometime. Billy, Jon, Nick, Yuldori, Michelle, Kriss, Tim, 1.0, Sarah, Cara, Michael, JimmyDean, Xavier, Mari, Leda, Wes, I’m sure I missed people, but you know I love you regardless. And Simon, you’re from here, not Japan, so you go here, ok? Ok.

Across the world, looking forward to meeting up with the UK SONE’s when I visit London, hope they don’t mind a Yank going to visit his roots. Down South, my friends Karen and Pilar, both of you have been great in teaching me Spanish…which I should really know by now. SG and PH SONE’s, love to visit you, sadly not in the agenda at this point, but I do hope you stay safe from hurricane and save me some chili crab. Aus SONE’s, I wanna go down under, but I’m scared of drop bears, please keep me safe from them.

And for those I’ve yet to meet, the group is just hitting it’s stride, so let’s get to know each other and have sweet memories.. After all, that’s what the fandom is for…and for pic spams. Never forget the pic spams.


Huge thanks goes out to Dave for participating in Soshified Spotlight this month. As usual, you can submit nominations for future Soshified Spotlights if you’d like to participate or if you’d like to get to know a fellow member better. Instructions on how to do so can be viewed at the Soshified Spotlight Solicitation announcement.

You can also read past Soshified Spotlights by clicking on the “Soshified Spotlight” tag below.

Compiled by: residentbenchwarmer@soshified
Photos Courtesy of: SNSDave@soshified
Graphic by: cioco@soshified

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Soshified Spotlight August 2012 Part 1: kim_woon

Soshified Spotlight August 2012 Part 1: kim_woon


Welcome to the August 2012 edition of Soshified Spotlight.

Just like every other month, we’re once again highlighting a regular member in Part 1, and a Soshified staff member in Part 2.

This month, we’re featuring kim_woon in Part 1 and SNSDave in Part 2, which will come out later. kim_woon, or Kim/Izy, is a bonafide Girls’ Generation convert, going from initially disliking them, to now being a dedicated SONE. Like many of us in this economy, Kim is currently looking for a job, especially in her field of computer science, though she did previously hold a programming internship at an IT company. In the meantime, she’s spending her days at home helping her family, and of course keeping up with the latest in Girls’ Generation.


What is your first name?

Some people who know me here will just call me Kim and some Izy. So, I'll just stick with that. ^^

How did you find out about Soshified and why did you decide to join?

Basically, I know about Soshi Subs first before Soshified. Back to 2008 when I'm not yet a SONE, randomly searching around youtube and stumbled upon Soshi Subs name for few times. And then, few years after that, around 2010 when the Korean wave start to hit me again, I randomly surf around youtube and found Soshi Subs name again that ended up leading me to Soshified. After I know this forum is related to Girls' Generation and the pink blood start to spread around my body, I registered as a Soshified member on 26 October 2010 and that was the day I officially made myself as a SONE.

How did you come up with your screen name?

To be frank, I don't really remember why I came up with this name LOL the only think I could remember is I used Kim because that time I like another girl group and my favourite member surname's Kim, so that's why I used it.

Where are you originally from, and where do you currently reside (city and country for both)?

I am from Malaysia. To be specific from Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

If we were visiting you where you live for one day, where would you take us? Why are these places so significant?

The place I would like to take you is quite significant as Sunway is probably a name where all Malaysian knows well. So, this place is probably the nearest place from my living area and it's very interesting to be visited. With name of Sunway Pyramid, I'm sure you guys can already imagine the shape of the building. Using the great Pyramid of Egypt concept, Sunway Pyramid is a shopping centre that's one of the famous one around Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. From hundreds of shop lots, branded items, variety of foods and bowling lane, Sunway Pyramid got its own attraction where they got ice rink inside it. As we're not a 4 season country, the ice rink probably one of interesting stuff to try out.
In addition to it, next to Sunway Pyramid is Sunway Lagoon, a very popular theme park. You can find Amusement Park, Extreme Park, Wild Life Park, Scream Park and Water Park all in one place. I've been here for 3 times and probably the best place for friends having fun time together especially in the Water Park and Amusement Park.

Tell us a little about your life. What do you do full time and in your free time?

I just finished my degree early of this year and officially graduated last May. Currently, I'm just staying home, helping my family with house course and of course, still finding my permanent job. So my full time and free time probably spend with usual routine and updating myself with all SNSD news, of course.

What's the most interesting thing about you and/or that has ever happened to you?

There are few things. I finally finished my study this year after 3.5 years of struggle is one of the thing. I'm having hard time in my final semester as I keep losing focus but with support by family and friends, I still manage to push myself until the end of the journey and I was grateful with it.
Other than that, 9 December 2011 and 23 March 2012 are also the best thing happened in my life. I went to SNSD 2nd Asia Tour Concert in Singapore and the most precious time for all Malaysian SONE when the girls came for Twin Tower Concert 2012. These two times probably the time I could get myself as near as I can to the girls and I really enjoyed it a lot.

What did you study in college, and what kind of job are you looking for?

I am a Computer Science student in college with Software Engineering as my major. And for the job I'm looking for of course it's in Computer Science field, but more to Software Engineering like Programmer, System Analyst, Software Developer and etc.

What was your internship in?

I had my internship during early of 2011 for 20 weeks at an IT company owned by one of a broadcast station here. They gave me a position as Programmer and basically manage all the in-house systems. Taking reports from users, update and upgrade the system based on users requirement, most of it more to maintaining systems. In the same time learning lots of new things such as servers thingy and of course more programming language other than what I've learned in my syllabus.

For people who are first meeting you (like most of us), how would you describe yourself?

I heard this for many times already as people who didn't know me at first, they keep saying that I'm shy, quiet and some even said I'm not a friendly person because I didn't talk around with people. But then, once they know me, I'm actually not that quiet as they thought at first. ^^

Tell us some things that most people don't know about you that you think they should.

As I said in the previous question, some people think I'm quiet but I'm actually not. I'm quite talkative as my friend keep saying that to me. I think I would be like that to everyone who I feel comfortable with and not feel awkward anymore. So, if you find me talkative, that means we're close enough that I can behave freely as my own self.

Is there anything big in your life that you're working on? (This can be related to school, career, hobbies, family, friends, etc.)

There's nothing that big for now. It's just as I mentioned that I just finished my study, I probably into a new world and currently went into few interviews, trainings and also trying new stuffs like doing part time jobs outside of my study field.
Also, I'm working on my fanfic that was abandoned for few months already as I got a bad writers block this time. So, hopefully I can start writing again and update my fic soon. I'm sorry to my readers.

What’s your fanfic about?

My fanfic is about Sooyoung as the main role try to find back her first love. Unfortunately, since she changed her appearance, her first love didn't really recognize her and Sooyoung still trying to approach her so she will remember Sooyoung again. It's not only about the appearance changed only, there are words said by Sooyoung that made Jessica thinks Sooyoung she's looking now isn't her lover before. The complication is when Jessica isn't single, actually attached to Tiffany at the time. And the great thing is Jessica admits to Tiffany, that Tiffany is Jessica's first love. Other than that, this story isn't about SooSic only but it involves Sooyoung with all the members. Sooyoung basically plays with everyone to get what she wants. If you read the story, you'll probably understand what I mean.

What are your interests outside of Girls' Generation?

Sports. A definitely something that I will never get bored. I'm sure it's not only me but other people also start playing sport seriously at early age 8 or 9. The first sport I gave a try was Handball when I was in primary school. And starting from there, I keep on trying other sport such as Netball, Badminton, Table Tennis and also Soccer.
But due to school changes and school condition, I can't continue some of my interest in sport that made me ended up being in school orchestra team. Ever since that, I love music so much. I learnt few things about music especially in orchestra. And the effect is I love music generally. So for now, R&B, hiphop and ballad probably my favourite music genre out of all.
Not to forget, lately once I get into university I fell in love with softball. However, I can't really continue to play any sports as I got few injuries that asking me not to do some heavy activities.

How did you sustain your injuries that made you not be able to play sports anymore?

The first injury is on my right knee. It happened during a softball game. I'm on my position, the 3rd base and once the player hit the ball, it came to me. Unfortunately, the ball was too fast and approached my lower body. I can't get the ball into my gloves and ended up block it using my leg. The player was out as I managed to throw the ball to the first base but my knee was bruise like crazy and it took over a month to fully heal. Another injury is on my left tibia. During the softball training, I joined the boys' team to practice. Again, the ball hit my leg but this time it's just a rubber ball, not the ball that we use during the game. Even I wore the shin guard that day, my tibia was bruised all over. The doctor said there's nothing serious, only the soft tissues were torn. These two injuries didn't stop me from playing sports even though sometime I still having a hard time to enjoy playing. The ankle injury I suffered during last year was the one that really stop me from doing all the things. The funny thing is this ankle injury I suffered is not happened during any sports training or games but when I was walking at my college. There's a hole on the road. I can't see it since it was dark and I accidentally step in the hole, I fell and injured my ankle. It takes a month to recover but still, I can barely walk fast or run for months. Even now, I still can feel it if I run too hard or doing any activity that requires legs in heavy moves or even wearing high heels for too long.

How did you first become a fan of Girls' Generation?

This is one of my favourite questions. To think of it, I'm not a SONE at first place. I don't even interested in any Korean things back there. But everything changed after I saw a girl group MV; probably a rival of SNSD that time I could say. There are few times I heard people saying about SNSD or Girls' Generation but I never found anything interesting for me that time. I just saw a bunch of girls in a group that I can barely recognize each of their faces and their names that I'll always take a pass when I found their name or Soshi Subs name in youtube or what.
So, until 2010, I found a variety show entitled 'Invincible Youth'. I'm not really familiar with Korean variety show that time other than Star Golden Bell. So, I gave a try to watch the show. The first episode caught me very well that lead me to watch the entire show. In the show, Yuri and Sunny attracts me a lot. And found that they're the members of Girls' Generation, the first thing come up in my mind was Soshi Subs. I try to search again Soshi Subs in youtube and it leads me to Soshified and that's the beginning of my life as a SONE.

I understand you initially didn’t like Girls’ Generation. Why didn’t you like them before?

One of the reasons is the quantity. To recognize each one in a group of five is already a hard thing to me, so to have nine girls in a group, I found that as absurd. I admit I had a really hard time to recognize all of them and even to remember their name. Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun are probably the hardest for me to differentiate. Even sometime I thought Taeyeon is Jessica.
Other than that, I watched their performance before and I think they're not that good in singing live since I expect them to be like another girl group that I like. So, I look down on them and I don't really like them. However, when I watch their performance in 2009 like Genie, Gee and another performance onwards, my mind changed. I start to think these girls have improved a lot. I guess when I start to look down on them, I don't give much attention to them that lead me to ignore them and missed all the time to see them growing. Such a waste that I know them before but quite late to love them.

Who is your favorite member and why?

I prefer not to choose one, as nine of them are precious for me. Each of them got their own specialty and charms that I don't want to let one of them out of my attention. They're so precious that I can't imagine what is Girls' Generation without one of them.
If I want someone good in singing, there's Taeyeon. If I want an adorable cold person, I have Jessica. If I want someone who's good in aegyo, I have Sunny. If I talk about the best eye smiles, there's no other than Tiffany. Dancing queen, Hyoyeon's the best! Kkab and the precious black pearl, there's Yuri. I love tall person and there's Sooyoung. If I want to define what's beauty and flawless are, there's Yoona. And if I need a life motivator or food advisor, I got Seohyun. ^^
So, Girls' Generation basically came with one full package. Instead of choosing one, I'll take all.

What is your favorite Girls' Generation song and MV and why?

When it comes to song, it's Complete. The first song of Girls' Generation that I love the most. Even that moment I'm not a SONE yet, but this song really get in me. The song arrangement and the melody are good. The lyrics too. So, every time I listen to this song, I always found that even though I don't like them that time, they still make my life Complete, just like now.
And the MV, Genie. Yes, Genie was released on 2009 but I said I'm only falling in love with them on 2010. I watched Genie on 2009. I should say that there's a little room of my heart opened for them. I start to recognize them because most of them change their appearance. I mean, Jessica was blonde that time. Sooyoung and Yoona cut their hair short. Also Tiffany. So with this some changes, it did make me attracted to them with that military like uniform. That was weirdly interesting for me.

What is your favorite Girls' Generation moment and why?

There's two moments I love the most. The first is when they're performing Sorry Sorry. I love to see girls who look good in man attire. And the second is there's one part in Win Win episode 11 when SNSD was a guest in the show, the MC gave them an opportunity to tell something to their members. It's quite a short moment but I found it's sweet and interesting, especially when Sooyoung's turn to talk about Seohyun and from Tiffany to Yoona.

How has Girls’ Generation impacted your life, in specific areas or even as a whole?

To be frank, Girls' Generation really impacted my whole life. And for some reason, they also changed my life. Looking at the girls who got the same age as me, how successful they are, how passion they are to reach their dream, silently they gave me strength to keep move on in this life. In short, they're my energy pills, my happy virus and friends for me. I'm glad to know each one of them and I feel very lucky to be a SONE, finally.

What do you like most about Soshified, and why? Any section in particular you’re attracted to?

Soshified is a home for SONEs, I could say. I can list few sections where I love to stay on. Soshi Subs Downloads section is a must, Video Downloads, Lyrics Center, and Fan Fiction. Other than that, I used to check Girls' Generation schedule from Calendar, Streaming if there's any live streaming, Soshi Mart if there's few interesting merchandise I could buy.
Other than that, all Features in Soshified portal are also interesting.

Is there anything else about you that you would like to add?

I love Girls' Generation. That's what I wanna say I think. And I just hope one day I can meet them face to face, for each one of them. Hopefully.


Huge thanks goes out to Kim for participating in Soshified Spotlight this month. As usual, you can submit nominations for future Soshified Spotlights if you’d like to participate or if you’d like to get to know a fellow member better. Instructions on how to do so can be viewed at the Soshified Spotlight Solicitation announcement.

You can also read past Soshified Spotlights by clicking on the “Soshified Spotlight” tag below.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The SONE Fandom in the Social Media Age

The SONE Fandom in the Social Media Age

snsd ace bed

Girls’ Generation recently celebrated their fifth anniversary, and they’ve gained so many fans over those five years that it seems impossible to count them all. While some SONEs have been lucky enough to meet each other in person (some on more than one occasion), many only know each other through social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc. Businesses, organizations, and individuals alike have begun to regard these social networks with an increasing level of importance. Because of that, fans who are active on social networks can sometimes be construed as representative of the entire fandom. Recently, the act of closing social media accounts has transformed into a strange fear that people are “leaving the fandom”. It’s an odd phenomenon to analyze, but one that is unique because of the times we live in.

In today’s online social age, friendships can be created, played out, and ended without the involved parties ever actually meeting each other in person. It is no longer an uncommon occurrence to hear someone say that one of their close friends is someone that they only know online. This isolated socialization also ends up being visible within the world of K-Pop fandoms. Fans crave every tidbit, picture, and fancam of their favorite idols/groups, and thus gravitate towards other fans who spread that type of information. Whether or not it happens consciously or willingly, the sources of that information start to become looked up to by some as the “leaders” of the fandom.

Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr are, in many ways, the primary gathering place for us to communicate with each other and a crucial avenue for helping the fan community to grow. So what happens when one of the so-called “leaders” decides to stop participating in the fandom on these social networks? Some have questioned whether or not such people cease to be fans at that point. Others have spoken up loudly and said things to the effect of, “No one ever truly leaves the fandom. A SONE is a SONE for life.” Both viewpoints are overreactions in my mind.

The act of a fan becoming “less public” can just mean that he or she is joining the numerous fans out there who are not vocal about their passion for Girls’ Generation and choose to keep their spazzing inside. On the flip side of the coin, I would not begrudge anyone who said that he or she simply was not a fan anymore. Instead, I use this metaphor to explain how I view it: the time spent as a fan is just one chapter of our lives. In a novel, every chapter is influenced by all the chapters that precede it, and it similarly shapes every chapter that follows. Everything I have done in my life affects the way I conduct myself as a SONE, and whenever Girls’ Generation disbands or whenever I decide to move on to the next phase of my life, my experiences within this fandom will remain a part of who I am.

Every time someone new joins the fandom or someone decides to move on to other things, I do not see it as a victory nor do I see it as defeat. I don’t see it as an upward or downward trend. I feel only excitement for newcomers because of all the wonderful things they will get to experience. I look fondly upon memories that were shared with those who have chosen to focus on other aspects of their lives. Fandoms are not defined by numbers or famous names; they are defined by the relationships between the fans and the artists, as well as between the fans themselves. Few relationships last forever, but every relationship leaves an impact that people remember for the rest of their lives.

Disclaimer: Views expressed are solely those of the author and are not representative of the Soshified community as a whole.

Written by: michaelroni@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
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Sooyoung Attends ‘The 3rd Hospital’ Press Conference

Sooyoung Attends 'The 3rd Hospital' Press Conference

sooyoung the 3rd hospital press conf

On August 29th, Sooyoung attended the press conference for tvN’s new drama, “The 3rd Hospital”, alongside her co-stars, Oh Jiho, Kim Seungwoo, Choi Yoonso, and Kim Minjung. The press conference was conducted in the Seoul Imperial Palace Hotel. Sooyoung appeared at the event in an elegant white dress that highlighted her slender long legs. To view more pictures from the event, check out Soshified's Photos Section.

During the press conference, Sooyoung’s co-star Oh Jiho revealed that there were meant to be two kiss scenes between him and Sooyoung. ”There were meant to be two kiss scenes, but it’s a pity that they weren’t shot,” he said. When asked why not, he responded by saying, “I don’t really know why either. Maybe it was canceled because there could be a big incident from the fans’ concerns, but nevertheless it’s a shame.” Hearing that statement, the room was brought to laughter.

When asked about his role in the drama, in which he can’t accept Sooyoung’s love, he replied, “It’s not a role where the character accepts her love, so in reality I felt sad about it.” Jiho then expressed his regret, saying, “He should have accepted it.”

On the same day, a video featuring Sooyoung and Oh Jiho was released, revealing “The 3rd Hospital Sharing Project”. In the video, Sooyoung and Jiho explain that the project is a campaign meant to support people who are suffering from cancer. The total amount from fundraising obtained will be passed on to the people who can’t receive treatment due to living in difficult environments, as well as to people who are still struggling but haven’t lost hope. The video ends with them requesting for the viewers to join the project and to support it.

Additionally, Girls’ Generation recorded a message for Sooyoung, showing their strong support for their fellow member. In the video, the girls mention that Sooyoung has taken on the role of Lee Euijin in “The 3rd Hospital” and express their great anticipation for her acting. They end their message by cheering Sooyoung on, shouting, “Sooyoung fighting! Lee Euijin fighting! ‘The 3rd Hospital’ fighting!”

“The 3rd Hospital” will be broadcast through Korean network tvN on September 5th.

Source: hangthienbao@YouTube.com1, hangthienbao@YouTube.com2, Daum1, Daum2
Written by: Best Served Soup@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified, bhost909@soshified
Contributors: jyhwang@soshified, SNSDDani@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? E-mail us at
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Writers’ Review August 2012: ‘PAPARAZZI’ Music Videos

Writers' Review August 2012: 'PAPARAZZI' Music Videos

Review Banner

Girls’ Generation’s latest Japanese single, “PAPARAZZI” was a big hit, selling over 100,000 copies and topping Japanese charts. Girls’ Generation tried something a little different with “PAPARAZZI” by releasing many versions of the music video. With a combined total of over 21 million views on YouTube, the music videos have proven to be quite popular. This month we take a look at each version and see what makes them unique.

Regular Version:


I’m really glad that this music video sort of has a story line. As compared to the previous videos where the girls simply dance in a box, this is definitely a huge improvement. I love how in the beginning, the girls all walk in while the paparazzi are busy taking photos of them. It gives off a “make way for the mega star coming through” sort of vibe and that is exactly what Girls’ Generation is. Also, the theater concept is pretty interesting because we’ve never seen something like this from Girls’ Generation before. My favorite shot from this scene is when the girls are getting ready right before the song starts to play and they toss their trench coats up. The lighting and angle of the shot makes the whole set up look really cool.

Also, I think that their costumes suit the theme pretty well. The red, black and white theme gives off a sultry and sort of sexy vibe which suits the girls very well. As usual, the girls are all dressed similarly yet differently and I really liked Hyoyeon’s in particular.


The “PAPARAZZI” music video has a pretty interesting structure. It’s book-ended by “story” related sequences that show off the girls in a manner fitting with the title of the song. I love how in the beginning we get to see all nine members strutting their stuff while all the flash photography is going off. It really gives off a vibe of “Wow these girls are massive celebrities.” The style and look in the sequence before the curtain opens in the theater is pure class and totally befitting of Girls’ Generation.

As the curtain opens we see the girls playing around with each other all in trench coats, but their expressions quickly change once the paparazzi start snapping pictures. The trench coats symbolize their personal lives. Once the cameras come out, they symbolically transform from their normal selves as playful girls into bold and flashy pop stars by tossing aside their trench coats. At the end of the video we see the girls back in their trench coats, wistfully disappearing back to their personal lives. I find these sections of the music video the most interesting, and it is surprisingly deep compared to many of Girls’ Generation’s other videos.

As for the middle and the actual performance of the song, this version of the music video might be the best purely because of Sooyoung’s “boom boom boom” at 5:01.

Dance Version:


I love the choreography. It is simply amazing. This brings Girls’ Generation dancing in synchronization to a whole new level, and of course, they pull it off fantastically. What I particularly like, is the dance intro in the beginning. Each of the members have their own moves but they all come together really well in the end. Their steps are so precise even though many parts of their choreography includes dancing in smaller groups and still moving together as a unit. I think that this is the video that I’ve watched the most number of times because I really like their choreography. Not to mention, Tiffany’s “Ra Ta Ta” is incredibly sexy.


As much as I like the regular music video, the dance version is actually the one I’ve watched the most. I don’t have to sit through any prologue or epilogue; it just gets right to the point with the song and dance, and I love it. The choreography for “PAPARAZZI” by Rino Nakasone and Shim Jaewon is some of the most demanding and interesting that Girls’ Generation has done since “Into The New World”, and it is incredible. It’s so intricate, with a lot of the members having individual or duo parts and sections where half the group does one thing while the other members do something else. I love the complexity of the choreography and how it matches the complexity of the song itself. There are still the solid moments of group unison that are fantastic like the killer head swaying at 1:31 and the quick turn leading into the second verse. Also, Tiffany with all kinds of swagger at 3:41 is just awesome.

Close-up Version:


Out of all the music videos of “PAPARAZZI”, this is actually my least favorite. I don’t appreciate the camera focusing on one member and flashing onto the next one in a matter of half a second. It is also pretty messy and hard to follow because the camera man seems torn between showing actual close-ups of the members and filling in the gaps with their dancing. On the other hand, when the camera actually pauses long enough for you to catch a glimpse of the members, we get to see a lot of expressions from the girls that just makes our heart melt.


The close-up version of the music video from the DVD that comes with “PAPARAZZI” focuses on the girls in their red, black, and white outfits for the most part. While there are some scenes with Waitress Generation, this version is perfect to appreciate the varied styles of each member. Hyoyeon especially stands out with her mostly white outfit. I am a big fan of these types of feathery outfits, especially the bold black and red colors, and all the girls look stunning. Even Sooyoung’s puffy pants and shoulders have a certain charm. The best part of this music video is that each member gets a lot of solo shots, so we get to see a lot of smiles and expressions as the girls play to the camera.

Gold Version:


I have yet to appreciate using dishwashing gloves as stage costumes.


The pink gloves are awesome! Haters gonna hate!


Written by: MoonSoshi9@soshified, letaengbutt@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? E-mail us at
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Monday, August 27, 2012

The Weekly Soshi News Wrap

The Weekly Soshi News Wrap


Posted Image


tvN Releases Behind-the-Scenes Footage of “The 3rd Hospital”

The official YouTube channel for tvN released behind-the-scenes footage from “The 3rd Hospital”. In the clip, various scenes from the drama are shown as well as different parts of the filming process.

Girls’ Generation – TTS Appear as Guest Judges on “Superstar K4″

Girls’ Generation – TTS recently appeared as guest judges on Mnet’s audition program “Superstar K4″. In the episode, which took place at an army base, the three members appeared alongside the show’s official judges Lee Seungchul, Psy, and Son Dambi for the fourth season’s preliminary round.

Yuri and Yoona Attend “Project 577″ Movie Premiere

On August 24th, Yuri and Yoona went to the premiere of the movie “Project 577″. Arriving with their own unique clothing styles, both were dressed casually yet professionally. The movie will be released in South Korea on August 30th.

tvN Releases Another Trailer for “The 3rd Hospital”

The official YouTube channel for tvN released another trailer for “The 3rd Hospital”. With the first episode scheduled to air on September 5th, the short clip reveals various scenes from the drama.


Yoona Featured in New Innisfree CF

Innisfree recently released another CF for its facial products. In the CF, Yoona shows off her flawless skin and radiant smile as she explains the benefits of the cream she is endorsing.

Eider Releases New Photo of Yoona and Lee Minho

Eider revealed another advertisement photo starring Yoona and Lee Minho. In the ad, the two are fashionably sporting Eider clothing.

12plus Releases CF Featuring Tiffany and Siwon

The Thailand-based facial product company 12plus recently released a CF featuring Tiffany and Super Junior’s Siwon. In the CF, Siwon is first seen feeding a flock of white doves at the pier. The scene then transitions to Tiffany, who watches him from a distance before deciding to catch his attention using 12plus’s "Double Aura Lucent BB powder".

Yakult Releases a New Photo Featuring Taeyeon, Yoona, and Seohyun

Yakult released a new picture featuring Taeyeon, Yoona, and Seohyun for their “Diet LOOK” campaign. The photo is the current cover photo of the official Facebook page for Yakult’s “Diet LOOK”.


Ha Jungwoo Chooses Girls’ Generation – TTS

In light of his upcoming film “Project 557″, Ha Jungwoo was asked who he would like to go on a cross country trek with. His choice was Girls’ Generation – TTS. Ha Jungwoo stated, “If SM were to allow it, I would want to take Girls’ Generation – TTS, but I don’t know if SM would.” He was then asked that if he could choose only one member, which member from Girls’ Generation – TTS he would take. He replied, “I can’t choose just one member. Girls’ Generation – TTS is complete and shows off their unity when all three are together.”

Shin Sekyung Further Discusses Her Friendship with Yuri

In an interview with “Osen”, Shin Sekyung commented that due to the poor condition of the “Fashion King” drama set and lack of time, she was not able to get close to many of the actors and actresses. Shin Sekyung said, "I did get comfortable with Yuri quickly. She has a laid-back personality. She doesn't seem like a Girls' Generation member. Girls' Generation members are like princesses and are really beautiful, but Yuri’s laid-back charms are greater than her beauty." Shin Sekyung also talked about her friendship with Yuri on an episode of “Taxi“.

“W Korea” Magazine’s Staff Members Comment on Jessica’s Personality

Staff members from Jessica’s “W Korea” photoshoot commented on Jessica’s bright personality, saying, “Unlike her seemingly cold appearance, she is actually bright and cheerful. She is an unmistakably young girl who laughs and smiles a lot.” They further added, “Despite her busy schedule, she worked hard throughout the shoot. She did not show any signs of fatigue and received praise from the other staff members.” A video of the photoshoot was recently released, and scans of Jessica’s photoshoot from the September issue of “W Korea” can be found in Soshified’s Photos Section.

Girls’ Generation Places First in Mnet Poll

Mnet recently conducted an online poll to select the number one girl group in K-Pop. Girls’ Generation came in first place, receiving 42.6% of the votes. 2NE1 came in second with 39.5%, followed by f(x), 4Minute, KARA, SISTAR, and Wonder Girls.

Sunny and Yoona Attend “THE TILBURY” Event

On August 23rd, Sunny and Yoona were present at “THE TILBURY” event held at the Lotte Department Store. The two wore matching shirts for the event; Yoona was wearing orange, and Sunny was in white. To see more pictures from the event, visit Soshified’s Photos Section.

Yuri Attends the “Samsonite RED 2012 F/W Pop Up Art Exhibition”

On August 23rd, Yuri attended the “Samsonite RED 2012 F/W Pop Up Art Exhibition”. Standing out from the rest of the crowd, Yuri wore a dark gray top combined with blue pants and a white belt. To view more photos from the event, visit Soshified’s Photos Section.

Sooyoung and Seohyun Attend the “MCM Store Renewal Opening Ceremony”

Sooyoung and Seohyun attended the “MCM Store Renewal Opening Ceremony” on August 24th. Both came to the event with bags made by the brand, which can be found in Soshified’s Styling Section. To view more photos from the event, check out Soshified’s Photos Section.

Sooyoung and Seohyun Featured in Singapore’s “i-Weekly” Magazine

Sooyoung and Seohyun were featured in the 773rd issue of Singapore’s “i-Weekly” Magazine. The article talks about the growing trend of “swallow-tail” dresses and showcases both members, along with other various celebrities, as examples.

Girls’ Generation Voted as Girl Group People Want to Go on Blind Date With

On August 26th, Y-Star's "Goong Geum Ta" conducted a survey asking 200 people which idol group they would most like to have a blind date with, and Girls’ Generation came in first. Individually, Taeyeon came in first, followed by Jessica in third, Yuri in fourth, Hyoyeon in sixth, and Yoona in seventh. Taeyeon was voted number one for being cute, yet easy-going. The voters commented, "I'm happy just thinking about it. I could even sell my house if I could have a blind date with Taeyeon."

Girls’ Generation Congratulates Billboard Korea for its First Year Anniversary

In commemoration of Billboard Korea’s first year anniversary, Girls’ Generation wrote a congratulatory autographed message for the staff. The message reads, “Congratulations for the one year anniversary of the launching of Billboard Korea!! ^^”

Tiffany Leaves a Message on Japanese Mobile Fansite

On August 24th, Tiffany uploaded a photo of her pink iPad case onto Girls’ Generation’s Japanese mobile fansite. She also posted a short conversational message with the picture, commenting that even the charger is pink. To read the full translated message, visit Soshified’s Translated Goodies Section.

Taeyeon’s “Missing You Like Crazy” Wins “Best Song From a Series” at the Seoul Drama Awards

Taeyeon’s OST “Missing You Like Crazy” for the MBC drama “The King 2 Hearts” recently became a prizewinner at Seoul Drama Awards 2012. Her song was awarded under the category of “Best Song from a Series” for Hallyu TV Dramas.


Soulme Lee Posts a Photo of Herself with Seohyun

Soulme Lee, a backup dancer for SM Entertainment, recently posted a selca of herself with Seohyun. In the picture, the two are posing cutely for the camera.

Shim Jaewon Tweets Photo of Himself with SM Entertainment Artists

Shim Jaewon, an SM choreographer, recently tweeted a picture taken at “SMTOWN Live World Tour III” in Seoul. Hyoyeon, Yoona, SHINee’s Key and Taemin, and TVXQ’s Yunho can be seen in the photo.

Yoona Uploads a New UFOtown Profile Picture

Yoona recently uploaded a new UFOtown profile picture. In the photo, Yoona is making a cute expression with her sparkling eyes.

RaNia’s Riko Posts Picture of Herself with Sunny

RaNia member Riko recently tweeted a photo of herself with Sunny. The message accompanying the picture reads, “with Girls’ Generation’s Sunny senior !!!” Both girls are making peace signs and smiling for the camera.

New Sets of Pictures

Innisfree - Yoona1, Yoona2, Yoona3

LG “3D Cinema TV” - Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4, Group5, Group6, Group7, Group8, Group9Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona

MCM Korea Facebook - Sooyoung, Seohyun

THEFACESHOP - Seohyun1, Seohyun2

SONE Picture/Video of the Week

ENDO’ GENERATION recently released a dance cover for Girls’ Generation’s latest Japanese single “PAPARAZZI”. In the past, they’ve done impressive dance covers for other SoShi songs, such as “Twinkle”, “Diamond”, “The Boys”, and “MR. TAXI”.

If you have any pictures or videos you’d like to submit for SONE Picture/Video of the Week, please feel free to do so by sending them to the Soshified Writing Team at or posting at the official SONE Picture/Video of the Week thread.

Sources: 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, Newsen, Osen via,, 2,,,,, Mnet, Daum,,,,,, UFOtown,,,,,, MCM Korea Facebook 1, MCM Korea Facebook 2,,,,, Yakult Diet Look Facebook, Bestiz, dcinside.com2, dcinside.com3,
Written by: kt9823@soshified, taengsoshi@soshified, moonrise31@soshified, Best Served Soup@soshified
Contributors: ch0sshi@soshified, spiceshoe@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
Follow us on Twitter: for the latest on Girls' Generation.

The Best of the Best – Top 5 Solo Songs

The Best of the Best – Top 5 Solo Songs

The Best of the Best

Hello and welcome to the eleventh edition of "The Best of the Best", a monthly countdown of the very best of anything to do with Girls' Generation. As decided by your votes last month, I listened to as many of Girls' Generation's songs featuring just one member as I could, from Sunny's "이제서야 (Finally Now)" to Hyoyeon's "Please Don't Stop The Music", to come up with my five favorite solo songs by individual members of Girls' Generation. As always, I've included my reasons why and a video of the song being played or performed to help you decide whether you agree or think I'm crazy (I was glad to see last month that many of you thought I was!). In addition, I also created a poll for you to determine what I will tear my hair out over for the next "The Best of the Best", so please be sure to vote! Finally, let me know in the comments what would be on your list of the top five solo songs by members of Girls' Generation. I'll see you next month!

5. Sunny – "Fly, Fly Away"

Though her voice seems most perfectly suited for duets such as "사랑인걸요 (This Must Be Love)" with Taeyeon or "나야 (It's Me)" with f(x)'s Luna, Sunny's vocal talents also shine in her solo songs as well. Her very best came in early 2012 in her performance for the Korean version of the Broadway musical adaption for "Catch Me If You Can". Sunny played Brenda Strong, a nurse who the main character, Frank Abagnale Jr., falls in love with. Brenda falls in love with him as well, but Frank is forced to flee and leave her behind in order to escape from Carl Hanratty, an FBI agent looking to arrest him. Brenda refuses to tell Hanratty where Frank is, and with tears in her eyes, sings "Fly, Fly Away" as a message to Frank. This amazing performance by Sunny was one of many highlights in her very first musical, and begins my list of the very best solo songs by Girls' Generation.

4. Tiffany – "반지 (Ring)"

While Tiffany's uniquely rich and husky voice has been featured in many amazing solos, ranging from a cover of Rihanna's "Umbrella" in Girls' Generation's 1st Asia Tour to "그대니까요 (Because It’s You)" for the soundtrack of "Love Rain", none are as touching as her song, "반지 (Ring)", for the OST of a short film, "Haru: An Unforgettable Day in Korea". In "반지", Tiffany begins by singing about the moment of a proposal and seeing a ring being slipped onto her finger. As the song continues, she compares both herself to a dark and lonely star that has been given light and a promise in her hand to a flower that will never wither. Later in the song, the lyrics are reversed, and Tiffany compares herself to a flower without a scent that has been given a fragrance and a promise in her hand to that of an unending light. This beautifully sung and written song takes the fourth spot on my list of Girls' Generation's best solo songs. Check out the lyrics for "반지" in Soshified's Lyrics Center.

3. Jessica – "눈물이 넘쳐서 (Because Tears Are Overflowing)"

In May of 2011, Jessica released "눈물이 넘쳐서 (Because Tears Are Overflowing)" for the "Romance Town" soundtrack, her very first OST and one of her few solo songs that shows off her control and stable voice, rather than having a cute sound. "눈물이 넘쳐서" is an emotional ballad which describes a painful love. In it, Jessica sings of tears which overflow, becoming a river and eventually an ocean, and she wonders whether they will bring a person to notice her. Finally, the song ends with Jessica asking someone to be by her side and a promise to love only them, even though to do so hurts so much. This beautiful track matches perfectly with Jessica's soft, higher-pitched voice and wins third place on my list. The lyrics for "눈물이 넘쳐서" are available in Soshified's Lyrics Center.

2. Seohyun – "아파도 괜찮아요 (It’s Okay Even If It Hurts)"

As Girls' Generation's maknae, Seohyun is known for constantly surprising with her maturity and intelligence. With the release of "아파도 괜찮아요 (It’s Okay Even If It Hurts)" for the OST of "Kim Sooro" in 2010, she did so once again, showing off a mature and emotional voice for a track which describes a hurtful love, similar to Jessica's "눈물이 넘쳐서". In this moving and heavy ballad, Seohyun sings of unrequited love for someone she cannot forget, listing the many pains that she accepts because of it.  Seohyun's vocals, which had grown since "Oppa Nappa" with Jessica and Tiffany, carried the song's meaningful and saddening lyrics, as well as its touching melody. In addition to showing that Seohyun's wonderful voice also suited ballads, "아파도 괜찮아요" wins the second spot on my list of the top five solo songs by Girls' Generation. You can find the lyrics to "아파도 괜찮아요" in Soshified's Lyrics Center.

1. Taeyeon – "사랑해요 (I Love You)"

From the slow and saddening "만약에 (If)" in 2008 to the powerful and jaw-dropping "Devil's Cry" in 2011, Taeyeon has had many solo songs in her five years as the leader of Girls' Generation, making it nearly impossible to choose the very best one.  However, "사랑해요 (I Love You)", for the OST of "Athena", stands out as a beautiful ballad which shows off Taeyeon's range, talent, and soothing voice. Though the lyrics are simple, Taeyeon delivers them in a way that fills the song with emotion and makes it a touching and heartbreaking ballad. In addition, "사랑해요" displayed the growth of Taeyeon's vocals since "만약에", showing her more mature and practiced voice.  Though all of Taeyeon's  solos are outstanding songs, "사랑해요" is a incredible track which shows exactly why she is currently known as one of the best idol vocalists in Korea, and it wins first place on my list of the best solo songs by members of Girls' Generation. Read the lyrics for "사랑해요" in Soshified's Lyrics Center. (Warning! Turn down your volume before clicking "play"!)

Since I love this song so much, a bonus video!



Sources: 泰妍 金,,,,,
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Edited by: kt9823@soshified

Have a news item that you think Soshified should know about? Leave us a tip or e-mail us at
Follow us on Twitter: for the latest on Girls' Generation.

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